Referencing NULL pointers

David Goodenough dg at lakart.UUCP
Wed Jul 12 01:55:55 AEST 1989

>From article <19367 at>, by hadley at (T.S. Hadley):
>    By NULL pointer referencing I mean: consider the C frags:
>       char	*s = (char *) 0, t[10];
>       strcpy(t, s);
>    On my machine (sun) these statements causes segmentation violations
>    during runtime.
>    Apparantly, on other machines this is perfectly valid, since I see
>    quite a lot of this in code created on certain non-sun machines.

Just remember one of the 10 commandments:

Thou shalt not follow the NULL pointer, for surely chaos and madness await
thee at it's end.

Your sun burps if you try it. Well good for it - I wish my CP/M box at home
would do so (however int i; i = *((int *) 1); does have it's uses :-) )
	dg at lakart.UUCP - David Goodenough		+---+
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AKA:	dg%lakart.uucp at		  	  +---+

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