Referencing NULL pointers

carroll at carroll at
Tue Jul 18 01:17:00 AEST 1989

/* Written  3:44 pm  Jul 16, 1989 by jbm at eos.UUCP in */

It has been pointed out that there should be no assumptions
about what addresses are valid; is there any way to get
a guaranteed INVALID address?
/* End of text from */
What do you mean by "INVALID"? That it will cause a core dump when
written to, just dereferenced, or is never a valid pointer value? For the
first two, no, there isn't one. For the last, you should be able to use 0
(or better, NULL from stdio.h). According to K&R(1), the value 0 for a pointer
is guaranteed not to point to a valid object. I find it difficult to believe
that ANSI-C changed that.

Alan M. Carroll                "Oh goody, the Illudium Q-36 Explosive
carroll at           Space Modulator!"
CS Grad / U of Ill @ Urbana    ...{ucbvax,pur-ee,convex}!!carroll

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