RSA data-encryption

Peter Jannesen peter at ncsbv.UUCP
Mon Jul 16 21:50:00 AEST 1990

I know this is not the correct group to ask the following question but I now
no a better group (I am following this group for some time now).

Somebody ask my to day of I know something about RSA.

RSA is a data encryption standaard. It seems to be the next step after DES.
There are two key 1 key to encrypt the message and 1 to decrypt. So if the send 
key get public it is still not posible to decrypt the message. 

Is there somebody out there know now something about RSA or where know where
I can get the specs.

Peter Jannesen
Network Communication Systems (N.C.S), The Netherlands
Phone:  +31104130093				 Fax:    +31104146452
Address: Westbaak 96                             Email:  peter at ncsbv
	 3012 KM Rotterdam, The Netherlands

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