About the comp.unix.internals fluster

Craig Jackson drilex1 dricejb at drilex.UUCP
Wed Sep 12 01:19:45 AEST 1990

If anyone is really concerned about the legalities of these things,
then there should be no 'comp.unix.xxx' groups.  They should all
be 'comp.unix.operating.system.xxx'.

Use of Unix as a noun is an encroachment on AT&T's trademark, to which 
they are legally obliged to object in order to retain their trademark.
(Trademarks can only be adjectives.  If a trademark becomes a noun, it
becomes the common name for something, rather than a word which distinguishes
a particular variety from the general case.)

Look around in the manuals--at least as far as the lawyers have read, it
will always be written as the Unix operating system.
Craig Jackson
dricejb at drilex.dri.mgh.com

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