c.u.wizards vs. c.u.internals

King Ables ables at lot.ACA.MCC.COM
Fri Sep 7 04:32:12 AEST 1990

I see the point that Doug and John have made concerning the name of
the group.  But I fail to see anything but a sematics problem here.

If someone were to write a message containing information that violated
their license agreement, does it really matter whether they post it to
comp.unix.internals or rec.arts.disney?  No!  The violation comes in
discussing the information, not which group it's discussed in.  Conversely,
posting a message containing no sensitive information to c.u.internals
violates NOTHING.

Now I'm sure Doug's point is that in a group *called* c.u.internals, there
is much more potential for someone to get bent out of shape if he actively
participates.  Fair enough.  And probably good reason to consider leaving
the name as c.u.wizards so it attracts less attention... we all still know
what it means.

But as for the contents of postings, I'm sure Doug didn't post anything
that violated his license agreement in c.u.wizards just as he wouldn't
in c.u.internals.  So how is it different?  Presumably people who refuse
to participate in c.u.internals weren't participating in internals threads
in c.u.wizards anyway, for the same reasons.

Saying one "can't" take part in a group because of the name of the group
is incorrect.  Saying one CHOOSES NOT to participate for fear of being
accused of doing something incorrect because the accuser make an assumption
based only on the name of the group is another matter.  This is sad for all
concerned (the person who no longer participates as well as the rest of
us for losing their insight), but at least it's a fair reason.

Of course, if everyone restricts themselves properly, this may turn out
to be a pretty boring newsgroup and get rmgrouped, then we wouldn't have
a problem.  ;-)
King Ables                    Micro Electronics and Computer Technology Corp.
ables at mcc.com                 3500 W. Balcones Center Drive
+1 512 338 3749               Austin, TX  78759

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