Wizard-level questions

I support the U.N. cs163wcr at sdcc10.ucsd.edu
Sat Jan 26 20:26:49 AEST 1991

I have been hacking at these questions for a while, using various
reference books, with no real progress.  Could someone please tell

[1] Can you access a file by its i-node number?  Something like
	(for C code) FILE *iopen (int inode, char *mode) ?

[2] With Internet sockets, how does a machine accept()ing a
	socket connection know what machine is calling it?  Does
	it rely on the calling program to tell it?

[3] I have a server program that reads my mail and does various
	functions.  One thing I would like it to do is send a "write"
	message to other users when it gets a letter with subject
	"WRITE user", sending the letter body as the message, but I
	can't get write to work unless the output is a tty.  How do
	I fool write into thinking my pipe is a tty?

I'm on 4.3 BSD Tahoe & the Internet, if that helps.

And here's a parting question:

[4] How did you become a Unix Wizard?  I'm learning various
	features as I go, as I think of a use for them and/or
	learn about them.  Is there a more organized/better way?

Steve Boswell
whatis at ucsd.edu

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