Prof'ing a program ... what the hell is mcount?

J. Horsmeier jos at
Thu Jun 27 23:41:27 AEST 1991

In article <cluther.677370644 at sonne> cluther at (Clay Luther) writes:
>I am trying to prof a program under SunOS 4.1.1, using cc -p.  At link, the
>loader complains "mcount undefined."
>Which lib is mcount defined in?  I have included <prof.h>.
>It, of course, works just fine w/o the -p option.

Hi there,

what actually do you do? If you do something like:

cc -c -p anyname.c
cc anyname.o

things go wrong, because ld needs to resolve symbol `mcount' 
but can't find it. You need /usr/lib/mcrt0.o.
Better still, use:

cc -p anyname.o 

it automatically includes this lib. (-p flag)

read cc(1), prof(1), monitor(3).

See ya!


|O   J.A. Horsmeier AND Software B.V.        phone : +31 10 4367100   O|
|O                  Westersingel 106/108     fax   : +31 10 4367110   O|
|O                  3015 LD  Rotterdam NL    e-mail: jos at       O|
|O               I am a Hamburger (F. Zappa 1974)                     O|

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