POSIX bashing (Was Re: Retaining file permissions)

Guy Harris guy at auspex.auspex.com
Tue Mar 19 04:51:44 AEST 1991

>Besides, I think there are some versions of termio(7) with newtty-like
>line disciplines.  If not, you could write one instead of complaining
>(or goad someone else into writing one! :-).  On V.4 it's only a
>STREAMS module!

And it has the user-interface features of BSD, as S5R4's "ldterm" is
derived from SunOS 4.x's "ldterm".

>Besides, user-interface extras like newtty are not really appropriate
>for a specification like POSIX.

Yup.  In fact, the user-interface extras that are *in* POSIX, such as
ECHOE, ECHOK, and possibly ECHONL, are probably inappropriate for POSIX
as well.... 

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