Writing a simple sentence parser in lex/yacc

Clay Luther cluther at ponder.csci.unt.edu
Thu May 23 09:18:52 AEST 1991

Hello All:

I recently found a need to learn and use lex/yacc.  I have purchased the
nutshell book, but I find it somewhat lacking.  I don't know if it's me or
what.  Anyway, I though I would turn to here for some advice.

I need to create a sentence parser.  Right now, it only needs to be very
simple.  Here is a sketchy grammer for the language.

sentences :== sentences sentence
sentence :== verbphrase prepphrase
verbphrase :== verb | verb object
prepphrase :== prep object | EMPTY
verb :== word
prep :== "with" | "in" | "on" | "about"
object :== word | words | string 
string :== "\"" words "\""
words :== words word | word
word :== [a-zA-Z]+

It should parse as follows:

throw ball
 - verb = throw, verb object = ball
throw ball with "blue stripes"
 - verb throw, vo ball, prep with, po "blue stripes"
throw blue ball with white stripes
 - v throw, vo blue ball, p with, po white stripes

I cannot seem to create a yacc/lex definition for this.  Any help is *greatly*

Clay Luther                         Lonely C++ Programmer        
cluther at ponder.csci.unt.edu
cluther at solo.csci.unt.edu           I work here now and they still
cluther at supernet.haus.com           don't let me have any opinions.

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