unix undelete ?????

akolman at mnsmc1.mnsmc.edu akolman at mnsmc1.mnsmc.edu
Mon May 6 05:31:27 AEST 1991

Geez, why not just write a shell script to rename the file to have a "non-used"
extension to the file name and then have it delete those files with the special
extension at the end if your session or upon command?  Assuming disk space
isn't a problem (like here at SMC), that should work.  Of course I know nothing
(or NeXT to nothing about UNIX shell scripts).
BLx - Pronounced "Blue," the x is silent, the u is non-existent

Saint Mary's College #789		CS Major, non-denture wearer
700 Terrace Heights
Winona, MN  55987-0857			Veritas in Musica

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