Q: how to make home PC an internet node?

Russ Nelson nelson at sun.soe.clarkson.edu
Thu Jan 17 07:49:54 AEST 1991

In article <196 at sungate.UUCP> glen at sungate.UUCP (Glen) writes:

   Now, getting a true internet registration cannot be done under Xenix,
   because it lacks some of the communications systems needed to perform
   true internet connections.  From my experience, you need a minimum
   386-based PC, with 2M RAM, at LEAST a 40MB hard drive, and SCO UNIX.

FTP to grape.ecs.clarkson.edu, and you'll find that you're wrong.  It
runs SCO xenix, and it's truly on the Internet...  Of course, you shouldn't
buy SCO Xenix nowadays unless you have to.  We had to at the time, and
now it's too costly ($1,000) to "upgrade" to SCO Unix.

--russ (nelson at clutx [.bitnet | .clarkson.edu])  FAX 315-268-7600
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