"/xenix:" column ending in Unix/World magazine

Richard A. Bilancia rab at bilanc.UUCP
Fri Mar 4 14:39:05 AEST 1988

Dave Flack called me today to let me know that the last "/xenix:"
column in Unix/World magazine will be in the June 1988 issue.

The reason he gave me for cancelling the column is that he does not feel
a column dedicated to a single product is appropriate.

Based upon some of my earlier conversations with him, it seems more likely
that a difference in editorial policy may have been the real reason.
Dave has always wanted another "how to" tutorial, while I wanted to write
about products and other things happening in the market.

According to Dave, another Denverite, Augie Hanson, will be filling the
editorial space with a column that will help Unix beginners get started
with the operating system.

"Adversity is the crucible from which greatness is forged." - Ken Baker
   ____       ____         ___
  / _  \     / _  \       / _ \         Richard A. Bilancia
 / / \_/    / / \_/   _   \ \\/         Computer Guidance & Support
/ /        / /  _    | |   \ \          P. O. Box 620127
\ \   _    \ \ | \  | + |   \ \         Littleton, Colorado  80162
 \ \_/ \    \ \_| \  |_|  /\_| \        voice: (303) 973-4035
  \____/     \____/       \____/
Multi-User Accounting Solutions		attmail!bilanc!rab

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