Kevin Tissot tissot at nicaud.UUCP
Thu Nov 17 01:14:28 AEST 1988

 In the November 1988 issue of BYTE (CHAOS MANNER, pg.113) the
following comments are made regarding SCO XENIX:

" cannot run Unix with the Zenith Z-448 video board and the
ZCM-1490 Flat Technology Monitor."

"Unix doesn't really like or understand color, or at least that's my

 I assume that the person who made these comments was trying to run
DOS under UNIX. Since I am trying to justify SCO XENIX as a viable
operating system and my critics are likely to use this article against
me, I would appreciate any comments supporting or denying these
statements - preferably "real world" examples. Please post replies
since our mail link was just implemented and has not been fully
tested. Thanks in advance.

			Kevin Tissot
			(sorry, no signature file yet)

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