SCO XENIX HoneyDanBer UUCP locking explained

Erik Murrey erik at mpx2.UUCP
Fri Nov 18 15:42:03 AEST 1988

[ regarding the fact that the locks are stored in /usr/spool/uucp for
SCO's 2.3.1 HDB-uucp ]

I really wish SCO hadn't done this.  It is a simple define in
uucp.h or param.h that lets the lock files reside in /usr/spool/locks.
This way, only /usr/spool/locks needs to be 0777, and only the
uucp programs need to be setuid.  Kermit, etc, can run normally,
and set the locks in /usr/spool/locks.

This is how the stock 3b2 BNU system did it.

Erik Murrey                            /|   //  /~~~~/  |  /
MPX Data Systems, Inc.                / | / /  /____/   |/
erik at mpx2.UUCP                       /  /  /  /        /|  Data Systems, Inc. 
{spl1,vu-vlsi,bpa}!mpx1!erik        /     /  /       /  |====================

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