DOS under Xenix

John Owens john at jetson.UPMA.MD.US
Fri Nov 4 01:18:49 AEST 1988

In article <238 at ispi.UUCP>, jbayer at ispi.UUCP (id for use with uunet/usenet) writes:
> The final version of VP/IX corrects most problems I encountered with 1.0.
> It also supports comm programs up to 2400 baud.

Yes, the final version is much better.  I use it with a comm program
at 9600 baud (and ~ get 2400 baud throughput, but anyway....)  [Yes,
it uses flow control; it's for a specialized application.]

John Owens		john at jetson.UPMA.MD.US		uunet!jetson!john
+1 301 249 6000		john%jetson.uucp at

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