Michael Kent Brady MichaelNC at cup.portal.com
Fri Oct 14 15:05:05 AEST 1988

By using all 4 patches posted by the author, the patch by jbayer, plus
the following makefile, I've had Pcomm1.1 up and running for a couple of

Hope this is of some help to the folks on the net using SCO Xenix.

michaelnc at cup.portal.com

(or it could show as michael_brady or michael_kent_brady instead of
michaelnc.  they've just changed our software.  Either name will get it to

#! /bin/sh
# This is a shell archive.  Remove anything before this line, then unpack
# it by saving it into a file and typing "sh file".  To overwrite existing
# files, type "sh file -c".  You can also feed this as standard input via
# unshar, or by typing "sh <file", e.g..  If this archive is complete, you
# will see the following message at the end:
#		"End of shell archive."
# Contents:  makefile
# Wrapped by michael@ on Sun Oct  9 19:18:16 1988
PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/ucb ; export PATH
if test -f 'makefile' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then 
  echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'makefile'\"
echo shar: Extracting \"'makefile'\" \(4414 characters\)
sed "s/^X//" >'makefile' <<'END_OF_FILE'
X#-----------------------CUT HERE ------------------------------------
X#			for SCO Xenix 286 using TERMINFO
X#      (works no matter what you set your default curses to be)
X# for systems without getcwd(3) or getopt(3)
X#GETCWD = getcwd.o
X#GETOPT = getopt.o
X#MYSTDIO refers to your own version of stdio.h with NULL defined to be
X 	0, instead of the normal XENIX (char *)0.
X#The complete name of my file is /usr/michael/lib/include/stdio.h
X#Change the MYSTDIO line to refer to where you have a redefined stdio.h
X#if you want to use this option.
X#The -I option tells the compiler to search there first.
XMYSTDIO = -I/usr/michael/lib/include
X#Turn off optimization, it causes problems with this program.
X#CURSES = -ltermlib -lcurses
XCURSES = -ltinfo -lx
XLDFLAGS = -SEG 1000 -F 5000 -Mle2
XSHAR = shar -a
XBIN = /usr/local/bin
XPCOMM = $(GETCWD) $(GETOPT) admin.o chg_dir.o curses.o d_delete.o \
X	d_lib.o d_manual.o d_menu.o d_print.o d_prompt.o d_revise.o \
X	data_log.o di_delay.o di_win.o dial.o expand.o help.o info.o \
X	init.o line_set.o list_dir.o ls_menu.o m_lib.o macro.o main.o \
X	n_shell.o p_lib.o passthru.o pexit.o port.o redial.o s_axfer.o \
X	s_gen.o s_menu.o s_modem.o s_prompt.o s_term.o s_tty.o screen.o \
X	st_line.o strings.o terminal.o x_ascii.o x_batch.o x_extrnl.o \
X	x_menu.o x_rcv.o x_send.o x_win.o xmodem.o
XINPUT =	input.o vcs.o
X#all:	pcomm pcomm_input install
Xpcomm:	$(PCOMM)
X	$(CC) $(LDFLAGS) $(PCOMM) -o pcomm $(CURSES)
Xpcomm_input:	$(INPUT)
X	$(CC) $(LDFLAGS) $(INPUT) -o pcomm_input $(CURSES)
X	cp pcomm $(BIN)
X#	rm pcomm
X	cp pcomm_input $(BIN)
X#	rm pcomm_input
X	lint -p -Dlint *.c
X	cat Doc > pcomm_sh.1
X	$(SHAR) Readme Release.notes Makefile Pcomm.1 Pcomm.dial_dir \
X	Pcomm.modem Pcomm.param Unixpc.shar config.h dial_dir.h misc.h \
X	modem.h param.h status.h vcs.h xmodem.h > pcomm_sh.2
X	$(SHAR) admin.c chg_dir.c curses.c d_delete.c d_lib.c d_manual.c \
X	d_menu.c d_print.c d_prompt.c d_revise.c data_log.c di_delay.c \
X	> pcomm_sh.3
X	$(SHAR) di_win.c dial.c expand.c getcwd.c getopt.c help.c info.c \
X	init.c input.c line_set.c list_dir.c ls_menu.c > pcomm_sh.4
X	$(SHAR) m_lib.c macro.c main.c n_shell.c p_lib.c passthru.c \
X	pexit.c port.c redial.c > pcomm_sh.5
X	$(SHAR) s_axfer.c s_gen.c s_menu.c s_modem.c s_prompt.c s_term.c \
X	s_tty.c screen.c st_line.c strings.c terminal.c > pcomm_sh.6
X	$(SHAR) vcs.c x_ascii.c x_batch.c x_extrnl.c x_menu.c x_rcv.c \
X	> pcomm_sh.7
X	$(SHAR) x_send.c x_win.c xmodem.c > pcomm_sh.8
Xadmin.o:	config.h dial_dir.h param.h
Xchg_dir.o:	config.h misc.h
Xcurses.o:	config.h misc.h
Xd_delete.o:	config.h dial_dir.h misc.h param.h
Xd_lib.o:	dial_dir.h param.h
Xd_manual.o:	config.h misc.h dial_dir.h
Xd_menu.o:	config.h dial_dir.h misc.h param.h
Xd_print.o:	config.h dial_dir.h misc.h
Xd_prompt.o:	config.h dial_dir.h misc.h
Xd_revise.o:	config.h dial_dir.h misc.h param.h
Xdata_log.o:	config.h misc.h param.h status.h
Xdi_delay.o:	config.h misc.h param.h
Xdi_win.o:	config.h dial_dir.h misc.h modem.h param.h
Xdial.o:		config.h dial_dir.h misc.h modem.h param.h
Xexpand.o:	config.h
Xhelp.o:		config.h misc.h
Xinit.o:		config.h misc.h status.h
Xinput.o:	config.h misc.h status.h vcs.h
Xline_set.o:	dial_dir.h param.h
Xlist_dir.o:	config.h misc.h
Xls_menu.o:	config.h dial_dir.h misc.h param.h
Xm_lib.o:	modem.h
Xmacro.o:	config.h misc.h param.h
Xmain.o:		config.h dial_dir.h modem.h param.h status.h
Xn_shell.o:	config.h
Xp_lib.o:	param.h
Xpassthru.o:	config.h misc.h
Xpexit.o:	config.h dial_dir.h misc.h param.h status.h
Xport.o:		config.h dial_dir.h modem.h
Xredial.o:	config.h dial_dir.h misc.h
Xs_axfer.o:	config.h misc.h param.h
Xs_gen.o:	config.h misc.h param.h
Xs_menu.o:	config.h misc.h
Xs_modem.o:	config.h misc.h modem.h
Xs_prompt.o:	config.h misc.h
Xs_term.o:	config.h misc.h param.h status.h
Xs_tty.o:	config.h misc.h modem.h
Xscreen.o:	config.h param.h status.h
Xst_line.o:	config.h dial_dir.h misc.h modem.h param.h status.h
Xterminal.o:	config.h dial_dir.h misc.h modem.h param.h status.h
Xvcs.o:		config.h vcs.h
Xx_ascii.o:	config.h misc.h param.h
Xx_batch.o:	config.h misc.h xmodem.h
Xx_extrnl.o:	config.h
Xx_menu.o:	config.h misc.h xmodem.h
Xx_rcv.o:	config.h dial_dir.h misc.h xmodem.h
Xx_send.o:	config.h dial_dir.h misc.h xmodem.h
Xx_win.o:	config.h dial_dir.h misc.h xmodem.h
Xxmodem.o:	config.h misc.h param.h xmodem.h
X#------------------------- END OF MAKEFILE---------------------------------
if test 4414 -ne `wc -c <'makefile'`; then
    echo shar: \"'makefile'\" unpacked with wrong size!
# end of 'makefile'
echo shar: End of shell archive.
exit 0

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