Select(S) in Xenix 386 2.3.2

Ivar Hosteng ivar at
Tue Jun 27 04:41:38 AEST 1989

Thanks for your answer to the serial problem. I have tried your solution,
but when i have linked the new kernel the computer refused to boot. It came 
to the Z in the boot sequence then it rebooted. I suppose you have to link 
in the new ttiocom routine into the kernal to make the change. If not could
you be a little more spesific about how you links this program into a 

Here is my ttiocom.c in case i have made a mistake somwere:


#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/select.h>
#include <sys/tty.h>

ttiocom(ttyp, com, arg, flag)
     struct tty *ttyp;
     int com, arg, flag;
  if (com == IOC_SELECT)
  return(ttiocom(ttyp, com, arg, flag));


I compiled this with the command cc -c ttiocom.c 
I changed my link_xenix file to this:
[ -f xenix ] && mv xenix xenix-
ld -Rd 1000 -D 18 -B 20 -A 0 -i -u start -o xenix \
	start.o c.o ../io/mousconf.o   uts.o oem.o space.o tab.o kid.o \
	../sys/ttiocom.o ../ml/libml.a ../mdep/libmdep.a ../sys/libsys.a \
	../xnet/libxnstub.a ../io/libio.a ../io/libiostub.a 
exit $?


I also did extract the object files from libsys.a with ar -x libsys.a and 
editet tty.o to rename the ttiocom() to Ttiocom(). Then i used the command
ar -rc slibsys.a *.o to remake the library. After using ranlib on it i used 
the link_xenix and hdinstall to install the new kernel.

I would be glad if sombody could tell me what i do wrong here.

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