Ugly file name

Raulin Olivera raulin at tdl.UUCP
Thu May 11 02:29:41 AEST 1989

	I posted this last week but didn't get any responses so
	I am trying it again.  Thanks for your patience.

	This is probably a real dumb question.  So my apologies
	to the real hackers out there.  I wrote a "C" program
	that writes to a text file.  I was supposed to put the
	filename as an argument on the command line.  However,
	I neglected to do so and I failed to include the 
	proper diagnostics in the proper place in the program 
	to exit the program when a filename was not provided.  So 
	the program ran and created a real ugly filename.  In
	ascii it looks like k~k^T^Nk^L and in hex it is
	6B 7E 6B 14 6B OE 6B OC.  I can't figure out any way
	to remove this file.  I would like to be a real man
	and do it in "C" but I will accept any suggestions in
	any manner of solution.

		=Ralo-> (humbled)

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