386 word processor performance

Bruce A. McIntyre bruce at mdi386.UUCP
Sun May 21 00:21:26 AEST 1989

In article <2161 at thor.acc.stolaf.edu>, mackenzi at thor.acc.stolaf.edu (David MacKenzie) writes:
> How are WordPerfect and Microsoft Word on resource use on 386's?
> What's people's experience about the number of users that can comfortably
> use them without bogging the Unix/Xenix system down (using, say, 4 meg of
> RAM and a smart multiport serial card)?
> David MacKenzie
> mackenzi at thor.stolaf.edu or edf at rocky2.rockefeller.edu
We use Lyrix here, because when we set this system up, there was no WORD
or WORDPERFECT for this environment.  Our setup is similar, 16mhz 80386
with SCO386 Lyrix 5.0 and 4MB memory.  The terminals are all IBM3151's in
VT100 mode.  There are some performance problems, but ususally because
someone is running SCOPRO.  We are going to add a MACII for Publishing,
and would like to incorporate it into the system, and are looking into
using WORD, as PAGEMAKER knows about WORD files... Any comment, has anyone
done this?
	Bruce A. McIntyre, McIntyre Designs, Inc. VOICE(215)322-1895
	143 Bridgetown Pike, Langhorne, Pa. 19047 DATA (215)357-2915
	{wells|lgnp1}!mdi386!bruce	bruce at wells tbit+

	Unix, Xenix, Netware and PC-DOS Applications development.
	Specializing in Database Applications since 1980.

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