Xenix TCP/IP

William R. Pearson wrp at biochsn.acc.Virginia.EDU
Thu Oct 26 22:46:23 AEST 1989

	I was unable to reply to the individual who asked for reports
about TCP/IP for Xenix, and this review may be of general interest.

	I am using Streamlined Networks TCP/IP for Xenix386 2.3.2.
It provides ftp, telnet, rcp, rlogin, rsh, and works with the WD8003e
board. Cost: $495.

	It works, but it isn't perfect.  I can rcp out to any machine,
and I can rsh into my machine, and I can ftp out, but I cannot ftp
in.  I can rcp into my machine while logged into a remote machine, e.g.

	sun> rcp file xenix:

But I cannot do:

	xenix> rcp sun:file .

(I can do:)

	xenix> rcp file sun:

I can rlogin out but not it.  I can ftp in and out from xenix, but not
into xenix. (It says it only supports some sort of anonymous login, but
that doesn't even work).

	One last problem, when I am rlogin-ed from xenix to a remote 
machine (or telnet), the connection seems to die for 15 - 60 seconds
periodically, and then it comes back.  Perhaps some timing parameter
is not set up properly.

	There was very little documentation about how to set it up
for my location, which has subnets and routers, but after I asked
our network guru, it was working quickly.  I also had some problems
figuring how to get the wd8003e working on and inboard 386 computer,
but that wasn't their fault.

	Technical support is poor, I have mentioned all of these problems
to them, but nothing has happened.  I don't think they like supporting
Xenix very much, as opposed to Unix 3.2.

	But it works, I use it every day.  I cost less than SCO, but I'm
thinking of switching.

Bill Pearson

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