IBM and Apple Operating Systems (Re: dosread.c again)

Peter da Silva peter at
Mon Oct 30 01:49:59 AEST 1989

In article <143 at asihub.UUCP> jmp at asihub.UUCP (John Pantone) explains that
IBM is not guilty of deliberate malice, but rather stupidity:

> Microsoft and IBM simply blew it when designing MSDOS and the PC.  They 
> certainly didn't WANT to produce a weak, overpriced, under-powered computer
> with a toy operating system which was behind the times before its time.

> They just DID!

Then how do you explain OS/2?
`-_-' Peter da Silva <peter at> <peter at>.
 'U`  --------------  +1 713 274 5180.
"That particular mistake will not be repeated.  There are plenty of mistakes
 left that have not yet been used." -- Andy Tanenbaum (ast at

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