IBM and Apple Operating Systems (Re: dosread.c again)

Peter da Silva peter at
Tue Oct 31 03:20:38 AEST 1989

In article <6723 at> korenek at (Gary Korenek) writes:
> 8.  The point to all this:  companies take massive gambles with new
>     products.  If it had not been for the original IBM-PC and MS-DOS,
>     we would not even have what we have today.

No, we'd have something based on Concurrent CP/M, OS/9, SOS, or some other
decent DOS of that period. We'd have something better.

IBM didn't create the PC indusry. It doesn't do that any more. It looked and
it saw a thriving industry, and said "I want that". So it took it.
`-_-' Peter da Silva <peter at> <peter at>.
 'U`  --------------  +1 713 274 5180.
"That particular mistake will not be repeated.  There are plenty of mistakes
 left that have not yet been used." -- Andy Tanenbaum (ast at

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