GhostScript fonts

Glenn Geers glenn at
Sat Jun 16 14:06:22 AEST 1990

	for those of you who have been following my previous two articles
in comp.unix.xenix.... GhostScript now works under Xenix/386. I have 
successfully displayed and some other stuff produced by Adobe
Illustrator (only mono - should have some colour stuff soon). Anyone
wanting to beta test (you need a VGA and Xenix/SCO Unix (?)) should send mail
to me. 

So what's this got to do with comp.sources.wanted ? Well in the README
accompanying gs 1.4beta3 there is a mention of a whole bunch of fonts
that should be supplied. They aren't in my copy of the source.

Does anyone know where I can grab GhostScript fonts please ? I have ftp
so any site that's networked is fine.


glenn at
Glenn Geers                       | "So when it's over, we're back to people.
Department of Theoretical Physics |  Just to prove that human touch can have
The University of Sydney          |  no equal."
Sydney NSW 2006 Australia         |  - Basia Trzetrzelewska, 'Prime Time TV'

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