getting agetty2, etc. up

Richard Goerwitz goer at sophist.uucp
Sat Mar 3 06:28:58 AEST 1990

A few weeks ago (I can't locate the article) I believe someone
asked about things like inittab, alternate getty commands, and
the like.  I responded, saying that the Xenix inittab file is
really only a re-wording of the /etc/ttys file, and it cannot
do things like let you spawn different getty commands to differ-
ent lines.  I suggested hacking agetty to read its parameters
from a file.

This was silly.  A much better solution is to create a new getty
command that reads a secondary inittab file (on my system I've
named it "myinittab"), and then overlays itself with whatever
getty command that file specifies.  I'm not a C programmer by
choice (normally I use Icon), but any dope can write something
like this, given the ability to read manuals.  What I do is over-
lay my new getty command with getty.old for console ttys, but
use agetty for other lines.  I have a 2-user system (and use it
as such), so this method has the secondary benefit of letting
me use mscreen (which is otherwise impossible).

I'm just posting this in case anyone wants further details about
the setup, or else a copy of my code (only about 150 lines).
It's an easy thing to do, and for people used to having more
flexibility than the regular Xenix inittab format offers it is
worth the few minutes of fooling around.

   -Richard L. Goerwitz              goer%sophist at uchicago.bitnet
   goer at         rutgers!oddjob!gide!sophist!goer

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