An odd difference between "cat file" and "cat<file"

allyn at sdcsvax.UUCP allyn at sdcsvax.UUCP
Thu Apr 19 01:02:08 AEST 1984


You are incorrect.  The shell (both csh and sh on our 4.2 BSD system)
does expand commandnames as long as the name you are trying to expand to is 
in your current directory.  Try 'cd /bin' (or wherever you keep it) 
and then 'ca* /etc/passwd'  This works on our system.

 From the virtual mind of Allyn Fratkin           sdcsvax!allyn at Nosc
                          UCSD Pascal Project     {ucbvax, decvax, ihnp4}
                          U.C. San Diego                  !sdcsvax!allyn

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