How to put comments in nroff/tro

ajs ajs at hpfcla.UUCP
Wed Aug 15 08:08:00 AEST 1984

Incidentally,  you can put  comments  in your .exrc file by using  lines
that  begin  with a "  character.  You  would  not  need to do that if a
certain missing command syntax was built in.  You see, ":map" only takes
two arguments, the character to map and the sequence to map it to.  But,
if you look at the source, you  discover  that space was set aside for a
third field:  a description  field.  Some versions even call an internal
routine to predefine some mappings, and do set a description, e.g:

	up	^[A	k

Note the word "up".  You can't get that in there from a map command.

Alan Silverstein, hpfcla!ajs

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