4.2bsd gatewaying

stanonik at nprdc.ARPA stanonik at nprdc.ARPA
Thu Aug 30 06:47:00 AEST 1984

We're thinking about running rick at seismo's serial line ip code
to a machine, sdcsla, at a local university, ucsd.  Our aim is 
to communicate with sdcsla, but not to gateway between ucsd's 
relatively large local network and the milnet.  (sdcsla is on
ucsd's local network and we're on the milnet).  My reasoning,
or lack thereof, runs as follows.
1) 4.2bsd assumes packets should be forwarded between network 
   interfaces; ie, packets will be forwarded between ucsd's
   local network and the milnet, given the appropriate routing 
2) routed on our machine will inform sdcsla that we are a gateway 
   to the milnet, and routed on sdcsla will in turn inform every 
   machine on ucsd's local network.
3) egp (kirton at usc-isif's egp) on our machine will inform every
   machine on the milnet that we are a gateway to ucsd's local
4) Has anyone else had to deal with keeping networks disjoint, 
   both speaking IP?  Any ideas on controlling 4.2bsd packet 
   forwarding, or routed/egp routing information?


Ron Stanonik
stanonik at nprdc

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