Unix Pocket Guide

Klosky aft at pucc-k
Fri Feb 17 06:15:48 AEST 1984

>>>I have been recently introduced to Unix and have found the need for
>>>what I would call a pocket guide.  The MAN facility is neat but...

We have assembled a UNIX Pocket Guide for our own use.  It is about
3.5" x 6.25" and 76 pages long, with small type, like a dictionary.

The pocket guide contains terse descriptions for programs listed in the
first section of volume one of the regular manuals. Each entry has a
brief sentence describing the command's action, a list of options, and
cross references.  The guide also contains a list of known environment
variables, regular expression syntax and the ubiquitous ascii chart.

When we assembled our pocket guide, we had vaxen running 4.1
and 11/70s running 2.? Berkeley.  The pocket guide does attempt
to point out differences between these and also describes local mods.  

We are reluctant to release copies, but if you have a license to unix,
contact us for a copy.

Purdue University Computing Center
Attn: Peter Klosky				(317)49-41787x226
Math Sciences, West Lafayette, IN  47907

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