Semi-conductor Disk for VAX - (nf)

root at zehntel.UUCP root at zehntel.UUCP
Sat Jan 7 19:21:06 AEST 1984

zinfandel!berry    Jan  6 09:24:00 1984

This may not help the VAX that wants a semiconductor
RAM swapping area, but it may help others with 68000's.
I wrote a device driver that would grab all the ram on
the Multibus (TM) in one of our 68000 machines.  It 
had about 2Mb on a private bus, and left ram for other
devices (tape, ethernet, disk buffers, etc) alone.
We also had a 169Mb Fuji winchester.  Well, I mkfs'd it,
mounted it as /tmp and did some tests.  The Fuji disk
is so <deleted fast> that c compiles were SLOWER with
the RAM disk!!

Berry Kercheval		Zehntel Inc.

(Multibus is a trademark of intel Corp.)
(Winchester is a trademark of the Winchester Rifle Co.,
but that's irrelevant here...)

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