
Geoff Kuenning geoff at callan.UUCP
Sat Jul 21 12:05:20 AEST 1984

Rob Pike (rabbit!rob) has successfully demonstrated that anyone
can set up a straw man and knock it down.  I won't repeat Rob's
deliberately noise-loaded posting, since all it contained was a lot
of specious lines to prove that his terminal has an asterisk key.
Following is Rob's original uncommented program and a suggested way
to code the same function with USEFUL comments.

Rob's original:


	Datum d;
	d = pop();
	d.val = (*(double (*)())*pc++)(d.val);

And a TRULY improved version:

typedef	double (*pfd_t) ();	/* Ptr to func returning double, to clarify */
				/* ..the C syntax below */

bltin()				/* Execute any built-in function */

	Datum scratch;

	scratch = pop ();	/* Get value to operate on */
	Run the function pointed to by "pc" on the top-of-stack value
	scratch.val = (*(pfd_t)(*pc++)) (scratch.val);
	push (scratch);		/* Store result */

Certainly, the sample routine is small enough that a good C programmer can
understand it, with or without comments, in a few minutes.  Rob's deliberately
obfuscatory "comments" are successful in making this a harder task.  But
well-written comments can turn those few minutes into a few seconds, which is
important when you are dealing with a 50- or 100-line routine that is part
of a very large program.

In passing, let me note that Kernighan & Plaugher have sufficiently
addressed the "i++; /* Increment i */" type of "comment" that Rob so
loaded his "example" with.  If he really thinks that that is what commenting
is all about, I suggest that he investigate some of his co-author's other

	Geoff Kuenning
	Callan Data Systems

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