Hiding from w(1)

Chris J. Grevstad chris at byucsa.UUCP
Mon Jun 25 02:13:48 AEST 1984

  It is true that you can hide what you are doing from w(1)
by creating a symbolic link.  There is a problem with that
if you interested in having no one know that you are playing

  Even wth the symbolic link, *rogue* still shows up in lastcomm.
What I have done is to create a directory in /usr and created a hard
link from there to /usr/games/rogue.  Now, *rogue* will not even appear
in lastcomm.

  We often use either *j* or *readnews* as the linked file.

						   Alen of Three Balls

						   aka : Chris Grevstad
							    Systems Programmer
							    Brigham Young University

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