How do Unix and VMS compare?

cjl at iuvax.UUCP cjl at iuvax.UUCP
Fri Jun 29 08:35:00 AEST 1984

>>Unix encourages C, and that is bad.  C is just assembly language
>>with pretensions.

>it--the portability.  Use some high-level language when you need the
>power it provides; use 'C' in lieu of assembler when you need tight,
>fast code.  C will be around long after Unix is used as an obsolete
>example in beginning CS courses.

  As part of programming tools, C and Pascal are designed with sharp
different point of views. C emphasizes on flexibility. Whenever there
is a conflict between reliability and flexibility, C always sacrifices
reliability. In contrast, Pascal sacrifices flexibility to achieve the
reliability whenever there is a conflict.

  Both languages are OLD, full of shortcomings. The book written by
people from Bell Labs : Feuer : "Comparing and Accessing Programming 
Languages- Ada,C,Pascal" explains the detail. It is worth reading.

  Although C is more successful than Pascal as a production language 
because of its flexibility, it doesn't mean C is a good one even.
Quoted from the above book: "The programming style by C (e.g. side-
effect in expression, use of pointers, interchangeable use of array
and pointers) makes programs harder to verify."....thus to read,
to develop, and to maintain. Today C represents a bad example from
software engineering point of view. Its prolifiration will be paied
off by the high cost of software production and maintenance.

  Pascal, though very successful in theory, looks like a toy language
from today's point of view. It cannot meet the challenge of modern,
wide, and large software  applications. Even programming in small,
it cannot support the most important programming concept today -

  As an educator, we teach Pascal basically. C would only be reluctantly
taught in Operating Systems class with a lot of warning. We already start
the use of Modula-2 and Ada. The flexibility of C can be achieved
by the small Modula-2 and big Ada. Personally, I hope the industry can avoid
the use of C at all by switching to the new languages with courage.

CJL (CSNet : cjl at Indiana@CSNet-Relay)

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