Need nroff escape sequence help

Randy King rjk at mgweed.UUCP
Tue Apr 2 05:19:36 AEST 1985


I know about the following *nroff* sequence mapping:

	<ESC>7 = reverse full vertical
	<ESC>8 = reverse half vertical
	<ESC>9 = forward half vertical

I am updating my Diablo 630 filter and would like to implement:

	<ESC>5 = reverse half horizontal
	<ESC>6 = forward half horizontal

I'm not sure if <ESC>5 or <ESC>6 are used, or if the raw nroff formatter
does anything to generate some kind of partial horizontal motion.  I know
how to implement the Diablo side, but I'd like recommendations or pointers
on the output (and directives!) from nroff.
						Randy King
						AT&T-CP at MG

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