more on strange file names

Daniel R. Levy levy at ttrdc.UUCP
Sun Aug 4 11:48:28 AEST 1985

> find . -inum # -exec /bin/rm {} \;

Guys, this actually works even on file names containing non-ascii characters!
Try it (write a little c program which creates such a file, then proceed to
bomb it this way).  In fact if you want to keep the file, /bin/mv will work
just fine too (to give it a name accessible from the shell).  If the file is
in / or some other directory under which several filesystems are mounted, no
sweat.  Change the /bin/rm to /bin/rm -i.
 -------------------------------    Disclaimer:  The views contained herein are
|       dan levy | yvel nad      |  my own and are not at all those of my em-
|         an engihacker @        |  ployer, my pets, my plants, my boss, or the
| at&t computer systems division |  s.a. of any computer upon which I may hack.
|        skokie, illinois        |
|          "go for it"           |  Path: ..!ihnp4!ttrdc!levy
 --------------------------------     or: ..!ihnp4!iheds!ttbcad!levy

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