Undocumented goodie in HoneyDanBer cu

Adam V. Reed adam at npois.UUCP
Tue Jul 23 02:49:38 AEST 1985

HoneyDanBer UUCP and related stuff, including cu, were recently
installed on our system. In trying out the HDB cu, I found that it
includes the undocumented but very useful tilda escape
which causes the command to be run locally with standard output to AND
STANDARD INPUT FROM the remote system. In order to give exclusive use
of the output of the remote to the standard input of the command, the
receive process of cu is suspended for the duration. I first invented
and implemented this option on Dale DeJager's machine in Lincroft two
years ago, because I needed to run tests of UMODEM and other
bidirectional upload/download commands under cu. Another use of this
option is to run local scripts that interact with the remote shell. I
am happy to see this option making it out to the world. Use and enjoy.
					Adam Reed
					AT&T Information Systems

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