Bugs in troff?

Claude Lapointe lapoint at BRL.ARPA
Wed Jul 24 23:50:31 AEST 1985

I'm not quite sure I know exactly what you're trying to do, or exactly
what you are asking when you say "How do I split...." Nevertheless,
perhaps the following will be of help.

If I were writing the macros you show, they would be as follows.
Note that your several examples reduce to only three.

 .de hd






Be careful of comments. The book says a comment may be placed
at the end of a line by preceding it with \"
Realize that the character (blanks included) immediately preceding
the \ becomes, by definition, the end of the line. Thus, on a text
line or in a string definition (.ds) any blanks placed there merely
for separation and ease of reading by a human become part of the text
or string. Your line with a comment counts as a text line because
it contains not only commands (more correctly, functions or escape
sequences), but also content which actually appears in the output.
Because I like to set off my comments with white space, I've
gotten in the habit of NEVER placing comments on text or .ds lines.
A comment may be on a line by itself if the line looks like a
command -- . in column 1 followed by 0 or more blanks followed by \"

The \ is the escape and quote character, and its rules are
annoying until you get used to them. Each time [nt]roff sees one,
it strips it off and in some way modifies the meaning of the following
character. Thus, \v is converted immediately to an internal code
meaning "alter the vertical position as indicated."
Now consider \n% -- \n means replace the immediately following single
character name of a register with its contents. This is done immediately
when _roff sees the \n. In a macro definition, this is innappropriate.
We want the value, not when the macro is defined, but when it is used.
Thus \\n%
At definition time, the first \ quotes the second. The created macro
then contains \n% which yields the desired result at execution time.
Depending on the number of times _roff will see the \construct before
the ultimate result is actually output, one may need 2**n backslashes,
n >= 0. (TROFF tutorial, bottom page 9)

Note that the % is used in two ways (NROFF/TROFF User's Manual page 24
example near bottom and page 23 para 14):
as the register name in \n%, and as the page number itself.

Note the different interpretations of the | symbol in vertically oriented
as opposed to horizontally oriented requests (User's Manual, page 9,
last subpara of para 1.3).

\c can be considered a kind of glue, sticking together text which
otherwise would be broken (User's Manual page 12 para 4.2).
If I wanted to underline only the syllable ter in the word interminable
(which this response is becoming), one of several ways would be


Without the \c...\c, I would get 3 words on output.
If I am in nofill mode, each text line's end causes a break. If I want
to combine input lines in the output, I can say

This is part one\c
followed by part two.

and get the output

This is part onefollowed by part two.

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