Cray Unix

Barry Shein root at bu-cs.UUCP
Wed Jul 3 05:08:49 AEST 1985

(Question about whether the CRAY-II is time-shared UNIX.)

Several months ago I spent an afternoon with a Cray Salesman about the
CRAY-II. The description at the time was a 60MIPS front end processor
"just running UNIX" (by just I mean as we are accustomed to.) The
suggested configs included direct terminal access as well as remote
(net) access. As I understood it, that 60mips processor is *not* the
Cray-II engine, just a front end for development and job staging (not
bad...just send one of those!) Add to that 2GB main memory, solid
state disks and it should run a pretty mean system (I think the
main memory was shared tho not sure.)

Hey, it's fun to shop for Crays! Small *is* beautiful but big can
be a rush...

Anyone with more up to date info about how it actually turned out
(this was still during development), please respond.

	-Barry Shein, Boston University

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