Unix for DEC users

Mark Erlbaum ERLBAUM at sumex-aim.arpa
Sat Jan 4 09:50:37 AEST 1986

To whom it may concern:
	I recall reading a while ago that ATT was discontinuing support
for Unix on DEC equipment. Albeit that DEC has Ultrix, if you want to risk
using VMS, Wollongong Assoc. makes a product called Eunice, a BSD 4.2 shell,
with all the standard system calls, etc. You also get the on-line manual
system, nroff, troff, Franz Lisp, lex, yacc, Berkeley Pascal, spell, etc.

I admit that you have to be crazy to even use VMS ( a 2 Meg monster), and
that VMS is slow as pond water spawning shells, but the Wollongong product
I have found to be useful and well tested.

For more information, call the Wollongong Group at (415) 962-7168.

Scott Michel,
Wittenberg University
Springfield, OH 45501

Voice - (513)327-5676 "Hey Scott!!!"

Thanks to Mark Erlbaum for letting me use his account to share this info.

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