help with Sun selection service

Mark Biggers biggers at caip.RUTGERS.EDU
Mon Oct 6 12:08:22 AEST 1986

In my work on a tiling window manager, I have needed to be able to
copy text between Sun Windows applications and our manager's
applications.  I sent the code below (ok, with a makefile and header
file) to Sun support, after ok'ing it with them, and have had no
response after being passed to yet another support person.

I have had no problem running the "get_select" function - I can
select text with the mouse, run "get_select", and the text goes to
stdout - fine.  However, I can't get "put_select", my attempt at
stuffing text INTO the Selection Service, to work.  The appropriate
docs for this stuff are pretty fuzzy at best (I am being kind...).

I would appreciate anyone's help on this - I don't have a lot of
time to spend on trial and error determinations of how to get
the S.S. to do what I want.





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