Missing 1.2Meg memory?

H}vard Eidnes H_Eidnes%vax.runit.unit.uninett at NTA-VAX.arpa
Thu Oct 30 00:53:51 AEST 1986

We have a Sun-3/160M-4, where we feel there is 1.2Mb memory

"egrep avail /usr/adm/messages | head -1" produce approx. 3.4Mb.
"ps axv" and summing up the resident sizes gives approx. 0.7Mb.
"vmstat 5" then reports only approx. 1.5Mb free memory. What did
I misunderstand? Does the kernel "eat" memory after the message
"avail" is output? 

The same fenomenon is observed on a MicroVAX II w. 5Mb physical
memory, avail = 4.1Mb, sum resident of ps axv = 0.6Mb, vmstat
reports 2.6Mb free, ie. 0.9Mb unaccounted for.
E-Mail:	<h_eidnes%vax.runit.unit.uninett at nta-vax.arpa>
H}vard Eidnes	(or TeXish: H\aa vard Eidnes)
Division of Computer Science
Norwegian Institute of Technology

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