Mouse vs Keyboard (was: Re: editor wars (was Mac vs Unix...))

Brad Silva brad at altunv.UUCP
Wed Oct 8 07:42:05 AEST 1986

In article <179 at root44.uucp>, hamish at root44.uucp (Hamish Reid) writes:
> I'm puzzled - perhaps I've missed the point - but in all this theological
> can/cant mine-is-better-than-yours etc war over input devices, has
> anyone ever used *foot pedals* combined with keyboards for input - the
> keyboard allows rapid touch typing text input, and a suitable set of
> (2?) foot pedals could easily provide iconic / pointer input/commands
> - without ever taking your hands off the keyboard, and without
> cluttering up the desk? Yer average car
> driver and/or drummer and/or organist doesnt find it too
> hard to use both feet and hands...
> I've never seen it except in prototype form - is there any
> non-theological problem I've missed?
> Sorry, just asking,
> H	(Hamish Reid, hamish at, mcvax!ukc!root44!hamish)

 Serveral years ago, I had the poor luck to have to evaluate a product like 
this.  It was a small box that plugged in-between your IBM keyboard and the 
computer, with an extension cord going down to an angled box that you put
your foot on.  By moving your foot this device sent arrow-key signals to the
PC.  This device would work with any software, but was practically useless.
*Nobody*  (myself, and several other people in the office) could move there
foot precicely enough to make the thing useful, we continuously over-shot, 
or under-shot our movements, and had to carefully correct.  I don't know,
maybe the device was too sensitive, but after using the thing with word
processors, spreadsheets, even Autocad, I disconnected it and put it in
our "unused hardware" closet, where, to the best of my knowledge, it remains
   Oh, and after some thought, the name of this particular device was:
"Foot Mouse"


Brad Silva "Seeker"

No disclaimer
No cute joke
No nothin'
.... Yet!  

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