Mouse vs Keyboard (was: Re: editor wars (was Mac vs Unix...))

Hamish Reid hamish at root44.uucp
Fri Oct 3 23:22:22 AEST 1986

I'm puzzled - perhaps I've missed the point - but in all this theological
can/cant mine-is-better-than-yours etc war over input devices, has
anyone ever used *foot pedals* combined with keyboards for input - the
keyboard allows rapid touch typing text input, and a suitable set of
(2?) foot pedals could easily provide iconic / pointer input/commands
- without ever taking your hands off the keyboard, and without
cluttering up the desk? Yer average car
driver and/or drummer and/or organist doesnt find it too
hard to use both feet and hands...
I've never seen it except in prototype form - is there any
non-theological problem I've missed?

Sorry, just asking,

H	(Hamish Reid, hamish at, mcvax!ukc!root44!hamish)

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