The vi editor (was: Porting UNIX Applications to the Mac)

lars lars at myab.UUCP
Thu Sep 25 20:26:57 AEST 1986

In article <2866 at sdcc6.ucsd.EDU> ir450 at sdcc6.UUCP () writes:
>I have NEVER had ANY experience with vi removing text and doing the
>wierd things that the previous posters have stated, even when I was a
>beginner with vi. It has ALWAYS been the best editor I have used. I
>think the reason for this is that you can use whatever level of
>expertice you want.

I consider myself rather experienced with the "vi" editor, but nevertheless
had a really frustrating problem.

Sometimes when I was editing a file, all text from current
line to the end of file just disapeared. Usually I continued inserting
text, and when looking up to the screen noticed what had happened.

Thank God that "vi" saved deleted text in a lot of buffers.

It was very hard to find out why this happened, especially because
I didn't know which key sequences triggered it off.

Eventually, I pinned down the problem:

The text got deleted when I exited out of the insert mode, and typed
a 'Y' to jank current line.  In my keypad is a key called "erase page"
which sends sequence "esc Y". This sequence was mapped automatically
by "vi" to "dG" !  These mappable sequences is also usable in insert
mode, so when I typed "esc Y" to get out of insert mode and jank current
line, "vi" mapped this into "dG" and deleted the rest of my file.
    Lars Pensjo

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