reading TAR from VMS

H}vard Eidnes H_Eidnes%vax.runit.unit.uninett at
Mon Sep 1 13:59:59 AEST 1986

Commenting on note in Info-Unix Digest V2#202:

We even went one step further than just copying the whole tape --
the reason being that we have accounts with limited disk space on
"our" VMS machine (the only "decent" machine here with a 1/2" tape
drive). A good friend of mine wrote a program to selectively read
parts of a TAR tape to a TAR-format disk file on our VMS machine.
The program also has code to do extraction on VMS, but that part of
it hasn't been tested much.

The program is <600 lines VMS Pascal. If there is enough interest,
I can send it (maybe to Unix-Sources at ...?).

H}vard Eidnes   (or TeXish: H\aa vard Eidnes)
Norwegian Institute of Technology, Division of Computer Science.

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