Use of ``vi'' for business office word-processing

who else tanner at ki4pv.UUCP
Fri Sep 12 12:36:59 AEST 1986

The reason that our customers have gone to "lyrix" instead of using
what we use for \fBall\fR of our document preparation is simple:
our customers need to print form letters &c. to their customers.

There appears to be no easy or clean way to merge data into nroff --
the data would have to be prepared with extra new-lines, and as for
iterating to print a hundred copies -- looks like it would be hairy.

If someone out there has prepared a package that merges nroff and
datafiles, I'd appreciate hearing of it.  Otherwise, at some point
I'll invent this wheel.  Looks like it'd be easy enough to write --
a day should have it and the document on it ready for distribution.

					tanner andrews, systems
					compudata south, deland

PS:  I'm not sure if we could actually teach all of our customers'
secretaries to use nroff without fear, but I don't think it's any
more arcane than what they're using now.  If I could just get someone
to call nroff \fIuser-friendly\fR I think we'd have it made.
<std dsclm, copies upon request>	   Tanner Andrews

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