Reading Tar files

Timothy Hansell hansell at
Fri Apr 13 04:28:45 AEST 1990

Does anyone out there know of a utility or a method that allows
tarred files to be restored to other than the file name they were
created with.

	The problem I have is this. I have a tar tape that was created
with ABSOLUTE PATHNAMES. When I go to untar it it wants to put the files
EXACTLY WHERE THEY CAME FROM ( instead of relative to my current
working directory ). I know I could just untar them where they want to
go and them copy them to where I want them, but that is complicated.
They want to go in /usr, and I do not have super-user privs, so I
must co-ordinate with the system manager on this one.
	I know that it would be possible to write a program to read the
tar file and allow the user to put the files anywhere he wants, and I cannot
believe that no-one has solve this before.
	Please enlighten me !


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