Porting from AIX/RT to AIX PS/2.

Vance Bass bass at cs.utk.edu
Thu Oct 18 02:35:04 AEST 1990

>There also seems
>to be no make, which is making my life miserable at best. 
>I find it very hard to believe that this is all IBM has to offer, 
>Peter Blemel

It sounds to me like you are missing all or part of the "Application
Development Toolkit" package, although I believe that the VS
intermediate and code generator binaries are part of that package.
If you have them, you *should* have make as well.
I would suggest asking whomever loaned you the machine to bring the
ADT diskettes and install them on your system.


Vance Bass		I work for IBM.  My opinions are my own.
IBM     		The facts speak for themselves.
Knoxville, TN		I try to err on the side of the latter, if at all.

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