PD Terminfo/Curses (part 5 of 11)

sources at genrad.UUCP sources at genrad.UUCP
Tue Dec 18 23:29:38 AEST 1984

This is part of a distribution of a public domain version of terminfo/curses
It is a rather large distribution, so I have broken it up into 11 modules
(each less than 64K long.) Each shar format module should end with the line
"exit".  This code is completely public domain, originally written by Pavel
Curtis of Cornell University.  This version has some small improvements and
bug fixes.

This unit contains:
	The Makefile, the rest of the header files, and awk scripts for
	when the Caps file is modified.

Part 6 will be
	the Caps file, dump.c, and the first installation of the library

----------------- cut here ----------------
: Run this shell script with "sh" not "csh"
export PATH
if test ! -d =src
    echo 'Making directory "=src"'
    mkdir =src
echo 'x - =src/MKcaptab.awk'
sed 's/^X//' <<'//go.sysin dd *' >=src/MKcaptab.awk
#                         COPYRIGHT NOTICE                           *
#        This software is copyright (C) 1982 by Pavel Curtis         *
#                                                                    *
#        Permission is granted to reproduce and distribute           *
#        this file by any means so long as no fee is charged         *
#        above a nominal handling fee and so long as this            *
#        notice is always included in the copies.                    *
#                                                                    *
#        Other rights are reserved except as explicitly granted      *
#        by written permission of the author.                        *
#                Pavel Curtis                                        *
#                Computer Science Dept.                              *
#                405 Upson Hall                                      *
#                Cornell University                                  *
#                Ithaca, NY 14853                                    *
#                                                                    *
#                Ph- (607) 256-4934                                  *
#                                                                    *
#                Pavel.Cornell at Udel-Relay   (ARPAnet)                *
#                decvax!cornell!pavel       (UUCPnet)                *

#  $Header:   RCS/MKcaptab.v  Revision 2.1  82/10/25  14:45:02  pavel  Exp$

	    print  "/*"
	    print  " *	comp_captab.c -- The names of the capabilities in a form ready for"
	    print  " *		         the making of a hash table for the compiler."
	    print  " *"
	    print  " */"
	    print  ""
	    print  ""
	    print  "#include \"compiler.h\""
	    print  "#include \"term.h\""
	    print  ""
	    print  ""
	    print  "struct name_table_entry	cap_table[] ="
	    print  "{"

$3 == "bool"	{
		    printf "\t0,%15s,\tBOOLEAN,\t%3d,\n", $2, BoolCount++

$3 == "number"	{
		    printf "\t0,%15s,\tNUMBER,\t\t%3d,\n", $2, NumCount++

$3 == "str"	{
		    printf "\t0,%15s,\tSTRING,\t\t%3d,\n", $2, StrCount++

	    print  "};"
	    print  ""
	    printf "struct name_table_entry *cap_hash_table[%d];\n",\
					(BoolCount + NumCount + StrCount) * 2
	    print  ""
	    printf "int	Hashtabsize = %d;\n",\
					(BoolCount + NumCount + StrCount) * 2
	    printf "int	Captabsize = %d;\n", BoolCount + NumCount + StrCount
	    print  ""
	    print  ""
	    printf "#if (BOOLCOUNT!=%d)||(NUMCOUNT!=%d)||(STRCOUNT!=%d)\n",\
						BoolCount, NumCount, StrCount
	    print  "	--> term.h and comp_captab.c disagree about the <--"
	    print  "	--> numbers of booleans, numbers and/or strings <--"
	    print  "#endif"
//go.sysin dd *
echo 'x - =src/MKnames.awk'
sed 's/^X//' <<'//go.sysin dd *' >=src/MKnames.awk
#                         COPYRIGHT NOTICE                           *
#        This software is copyright (C) 1982 by Pavel Curtis         *
#                                                                    *
#        Permission is granted to reproduce and distribute           *
#        this file by any means so long as no fee is charged         *
#        above a nominal handling fee and so long as this            *
#        notice is always included in the copies.                    *
#                                                                    *
#        Other rights are reserved except as explicitly granted      *
#        by written permission of the author.                        *
#                Pavel Curtis                                        *
#                Computer Science Dept.                              *
#                405 Upson Hall                                      *
#                Cornell University                                  *
#                Ithaca, NY 14853                                    *
#                                                                    *
#                Ph- (607) 256-4934                                  *
#                                                                    *
#                Pavel.Cornell at Udel-Relay   (ARPAnet)                *
#                decvax!cornell!pavel       (UUCPnet)                *

#  $Header:   RCS/MKnames.v  Revision 2.1  82/10/25  14:45:06  pavel  Exp$

			print  "/*" > "boolnames"
			print  " *	dump_names.c - Arrays of capability names for use by the" > "boolnames"
			print  " *			dump program." > "boolnames"
			print  " *" > "boolnames"
			print  " */" > "boolnames"
			print  "" > "boolnames"
			print  "" > "boolnames"
			print  "char	*BoolNames[] = {" > "boolnames"
			print  "char	*NumNames[] = {" > "numnames"
			print  "char	*StrNames[] = {" > "strnames"

$3 == "bool"	{
			printf "\t\t%s,\n", $2 > "boolnames"

$3 == "number"	{
			printf "\t\t%s,\n", $2 > "numnames"

$3 == "str"	{
			printf "\t\t%s,\n", $2 > "strnames"

END		{
			print  "};" > "boolnames"
			print  "" > "boolnames"
			print  "};" > "numnames"
			print  "" > "numnames"
			print  "};" > "strnames"
//go.sysin dd *
echo 'x - =src/MKterm.h.awk'
sed 's/^X//' <<'//go.sysin dd *' >=src/MKterm.h.awk
#                         COPYRIGHT NOTICE                           *
#        This software is copyright (C) 1982 by Pavel Curtis         *
#                                                                    *
#        Permission is granted to reproduce and distribute           *
#        this file by any means so long as no fee is charged         *
#        above a nominal handling fee and so long as this            *
#        notice is always included in the copies.                    *
#                                                                    *
#        Other rights are reserved except as explicitly granted      *
#        by written permission of the author.                        *
#                Pavel Curtis                                        *
#                Computer Science Dept.                              *
#                405 Upson Hall                                      *
#                Cornell University                                  *
#                Ithaca, NY 14853                                    *
#                                                                    *
#                Ph- (607) 256-4934                                  *
#                                                                    *
#                Pavel.Cornell at Udel-Relay   (ARPAnet)                *
#                decvax!cornell!pavel       (UUCPnet)                *

# $Header:   RCS/MKterm.h.v  Revision 2.1  82/10/25  14:45:11  pavel  Exp$

		    print "/*"
		    print "**	term.h -- Definition of struct term"
		    print "*/"
		    print ""
		    print "#ifndef SGTTY"
		    print "#    include \"curses.h\""
		    print "#endif"
		    print ""
		    print "#ifdef SINGLE"
		    print "#	define CUR _first_term."
		    print "#else"
		    print "#	define CUR cur_term->"
		    print "#endif"
		    print ""
		    print ""

$3 == "bool"	{
		    printf "#define %-30s CUR Booleans[%d]\n", $1, BoolCount++

$3 == "number"	{
		    printf "#define %-30s CUR Numbers[%d]\n", $1, NumberCount++

$3 == "str"	{
		    printf "#define %-30s CUR Strings[%d]\n", $1, StringCount++

END		{
			print  ""
			print  ""
			print  "struct term"
			print  "{"
			print  "   char	 *term_names;	/* offset in str_table of terminal names */"
			print  "   char	 *str_table;	/* pointer to string table */"
			print  "   short Filedes;	/* file description being written to */"
			print  "   SGTTY Ottyb,		/* original state of the terminal */"
			print  "	 Nttyb;		/* current state of the terminal */"
			print  ""
			printf "   char		 Booleans[%d];\n", BoolCount
			printf "   short	 Numbers[%d];\n", NumberCount
			printf "   char		 *Strings[%d];\n", StringCount
			print  "};"
			print  ""
			print  "struct term	_first_term;"
			print  "struct term	*cur_term;"
			print  ""
			printf "#define BOOLCOUNT %d\n", BoolCount
			printf "#define NUMCOUNT  %d\n", NumberCount
			printf "#define STRCOUNT  %d\n", StringCount
//go.sysin dd *
echo 'x - =src/Makefile'
sed 's/^X//' <<'//go.sysin dd *' >=src/Makefile
#                         COPYRIGHT NOTICE                           *
#        This software is copyright (C) 1982 by Pavel Curtis         *
#                                                                    *
#        Permission is granted to reproduce and distribute           *
#        this file by any means so long as no fee is charged         *
#        above a nominal handling fee and so long as this            *
#        notice is always included in the copies.                    *
#                                                                    *
#        Other rights are reserved except as explicitly granted      *
#        by written permission of the author.                        *
#                Pavel Curtis                                        *
#                Computer Science Dept.                              *
#                405 Upson Hall                                      *
#                Cornell University                                  *
#                Ithaca, NY 14853                                    *
#                                                                    *
#                Ph- (607) 256-4934                                  *
#                                                                    *
#                Pavel.Cornell at Udel-Relay   (ARPAnet)                *
#                decvax!cornell!pavel       (UUCPnet)                *

# RCSid: $Header:   RCS/Makefile.v  Revision 2.2  82/10/25  15:28:23  pavel  Exp$

SRCDIR= /etc/term

SRCS=	comp_main.c comp_hash.c comp_captab.c comp_scan.c comp_error.c \
	comp_parse.c read_entry.c \
	dump.c dump_names.c  \
	lib_setup.c lib_fixterm.c lib_tparm.c lib_tputs.c \
	lib_unctrl.c lib_raw.c lib_vidattr.c lib_trace.c lib_data.c \
	lib_beep.c lib_doupdate.c lib_refresh.c lib_initscr.c lib_newwin.c \
	lib_addch.c lib_addstr.c lib_scroll.c lib_clreol.c lib_touchwin.c \
	lib_mvcur.c lib_delwin.c lib_endwin.c lib_clrbot.c lib_move.c \
	lib_printw.c lib_scanw.c lib_erase.c lib_getch.c lib_options.c \
	lib_box.c lib_clear.c lib_delch.c lib_deleteln.c lib_insch.c \
	lib_insertln.c lib_getstr.c lib_mvwin.c lib_longname.c lib_tstp.c \
	lib_newterm.c lib_set_term.c lib_overlay.c lib_scrreg.c

# Normal, optimised object files
LIBOBJS= lib_setup.o lib_fixterm.o lib_tparm.o read_entry.o lib_tputs.o \
	lib_unctrl.o lib_raw.o lib_vidattr.o lib_trace.o lib_data.o lib_beep.o \
	lib_doupdate.o lib_refresh.o lib_initscr.o lib_newwin.o lib_addch.o \
	lib_addstr.o lib_scroll.o lib_clreol.o lib_touchwin.o lib_mvcur.o \
	lib_delwin.o lib_endwin.o lib_clrbot.o lib_move.o lib_printw.o \
	lib_scanw.o lib_erase.o lib_getch.o lib_options.o \
	lib_box.o lib_clear.o lib_delch.o lib_deleteln.o lib_insch.o \
	lib_insertln.o lib_getstr.o lib_mvwin.o lib_longname.o lib_tstp.o \
	lib_newterm.o lib_set_term.o lib_overlay.o lib_scrreg.o

# Debugging (tracing) object files
DLIBOBJS= lib_setup.d lib_fixterm.d lib_tparm.d read_entry.d lib_tputs.d \
	lib_unctrl.d lib_raw.d lib_vidattr.d lib_trace.d lib_data.d lib_beep.d \
	lib_doupdate.d lib_refresh.d lib_initscr.d lib_newwin.d lib_addch.d \
	lib_addstr.d lib_scroll.d lib_clreol.d lib_touchwin.d lib_mvcur.d \
	lib_delwin.d lib_endwin.d lib_clrbot.d lib_move.d lib_printw.d \
	lib_scanw.d lib_erase.d lib_getch.d lib_options.d \
	lib_box.d lib_clear.d lib_delch.d lib_deleteln.d lib_insch.d \
	lib_insertln.d lib_getstr.d lib_mvwin.d lib_longname.d lib_tstp.d \
	lib_newterm.d lib_set_term.d lib_overlay.d lib_scrreg.d

# Profiled Optimised object files
PLIBOBJS= lib_setup.p lib_fixterm.p lib_tparm.p read_entry.p lib_tputs.p \
	lib_unctrl.p lib_raw.p lib_vidattr.p lib_trace.p lib_data.p lib_beep.p \
	lib_doupdate.p lib_refresh.p lib_initscr.p lib_newwin.p lib_addch.p \
	lib_addstr.p lib_scroll.p lib_clreol.p lib_touchwin.p lib_mvcur.p \
	lib_delwin.p lib_endwin.p lib_clrbot.p lib_move.p lib_printw.p \
	lib_scanw.p lib_erase.p lib_getch.p lib_options.p \
	lib_box.p lib_clear.p lib_delch.p lib_deleteln.p lib_insch.p \
	lib_insertln.p lib_getstr.p lib_mvwin.p lib_longname.p lib_tstp.p \
	lib_newterm.p lib_set_term.p lib_overlay.p lib_scrreg.p

COMPOBJS= comp_main.o comp_hash.o comp_captab.o comp_scan.o comp_error.o \
	comp_parse.o read_entry.o


	-mv $*.o $*.O
	cc -c $(DFLAGS) $*.c
	mv $*.o $*.d
	-mv $*.O $*.o

	-mv $*.o $*.O
	cc -pg -c $(CFLAGS) $*.c
	mv $*.o $*.p
	-mv $*.O $*.o

all:	compile dump lib dlib

install: all
	sed -e 's/clude *"curses.h" *$$/clude <ncurses.h>/' term.h > /usr/include/term.h
	sed -e 's/^#include *"terminfo.h" *$$/#include <terminfo.h>/' curses.h > /usr/include/ncurses.h
	cp terminfo.h /usr/include/terminfo.h
	cp unctrl.h /usr/include/unctrl.h
	cp compile $(SRCDIR)/compile
	cp dump $(SRCDIR)/dump
	cp libcurses.a /usr/lib/libncurses.a
	cp libdcurses.a /usr/lib/libdcurses.a
	ranlib /usr/lib/libncurses.a
	ranlib /usr/lib/libdcurses.a

lib:	libcurses.a	
libcurses.a:	${LIBOBJS}
	ar rv libcurses.a ${LIBOBJS}
	ranlib libcurses.a

dlib:	libdcurses.a	
libdcurses.a:	${DLIBOBJS}
	ar rv libdcurses.a ${DLIBOBJS}
	ranlib libdcurses.a

plib:	libpcurses.a	
libpcurses.a:	${PLIBOBJS}
	ar rv libpcurses.a ${PLIBOBJS}
	ranlib libpcurses.a

compile: ${COMPOBJS}
	cc -o compile ${COMPOBJS}

dump: dump.o dump_names.o read_entry.o
	cc -o dump dump.o dump_names.o read_entry.o

lint: ${SRCS}
	lint ${DFLAGS} ${SRCS} > lint.out

term.h: Caps MKterm.h.awk
	awk -f MKterm.h.awk Caps > term.h

comp_captab.c: Caps MKcaptab.awk
	awk -f MKcaptab.awk Caps > comp_captab.c

dump.o: dump.c term.h compiler.h

dump_names.c: Caps MKnames.awk
	awk -f MKnames.awk Caps
	cat boolnames numnames strnames > dump_names.c
	-rm -f boolnames numnames strnames

	-rm -f *.[od] term.h comp_captab.c tags dump_names.c

tags:	*.c *.h
	ctags *.c *.h

depend:	${SRCS}
	grep "^#include" ${SRCS} \
		| sed 's/\([^:]*\).c:[^"]*"\([^"]*\)".*/\1.o: \2/' \
		| sed '/#include/d' > makedep
	echo '/^# DO NOT DELETE THIS LINE/+2,$$d' > eddep
	echo '$$r makedep' >> eddep
	echo '/^# DO NOT DELETE THIS LINE/+2,$$s/\.o/.d/' >> eddep
	echo '$$r makedep' >> eddep
	echo 'w' >> eddep
	cp Makefile Makefile.bak
	ex - Makefile < eddep
	rm makedep eddep
	echo >> Makefile
	echo "# IF YOU PUT STUFF HERE, IT WILL GO AWAY" >> Makefile
	echo "# See make depend, above" >> Makefile

# DO NOT DELETE THIS LINE - make depend needs it

comp_main.d: compiler.h
comp_hash.d: compiler.h
comp_hash.d: term.h
comp_captab.d: compiler.h
comp_captab.d: term.h
comp_scan.d: compiler.h
comp_error.d: compiler.h
comp_parse.d: compiler.h
comp_parse.d: term.h
comp_parse.d: object.h
read_entry.d: term.h
read_entry.d: object.h
dump.d: compiler.h
dump.d: term.h
lib_setup.d: curses.h
lib_setup.d: curses.priv.h
lib_setup.d: term.h
lib_fixterm.d: curses.h
lib_fixterm.d: curses.priv.h
lib_fixterm.d: term.h
lib_tparm.d: curses.h
lib_tparm.d: curses.priv.h
lib_tparm.d: term.h
lib_tputs.d: curses.h
lib_tputs.d: curses.priv.h
lib_tputs.d: term.h
lib_raw.d: curses.h
lib_raw.d: curses.priv.h
lib_raw.d: term.h
lib_vidattr.d: curses.h
lib_vidattr.d: curses.priv.h
lib_vidattr.d: term.h
lib_trace.d: term.h
lib_trace.d: curses.h
lib_trace.d: curses.priv.h
lib_data.d: curses.priv.h
lib_data.d: curses.h
lib_data.d: term.h
lib_beep.d: curses.h
lib_beep.d: curses.priv.h
lib_beep.d: term.h
lib_doupdate.d: curses.h
lib_doupdate.d: curses.priv.h
lib_doupdate.d: term.h
lib_refresh.d: curses.h
lib_refresh.d: curses.priv.h
lib_initscr.d: curses.h
lib_initscr.d: curses.priv.h
lib_newwin.d: term.h
lib_newwin.d: curses.h
lib_newwin.d: curses.priv.h
lib_addch.d: curses.h
lib_addch.d: curses.priv.h
lib_addch.d: unctrl.h
lib_addstr.d: curses.h
lib_addstr.d: curses.priv.h
lib_scroll.d: curses.h
lib_scroll.d: curses.priv.h
lib_clreol.d: curses.h
lib_clreol.d: curses.priv.h
lib_touchwin.d: curses.h
lib_touchwin.d: curses.priv.h
lib_mvcur.d: term.h
lib_mvcur.d: curses.h
lib_mvcur.d: curses.priv.h
lib_delwin.d: curses.h
lib_delwin.d: curses.priv.h
lib_endwin.d: term.h
lib_endwin.d: curses.h
lib_endwin.d: curses.priv.h
lib_clrbot.d: curses.h
lib_clrbot.d: curses.priv.h
lib_move.d: curses.h
lib_move.d: curses.priv.h
lib_printw.d: curses.h
lib_printw.d: curses.priv.h
lib_scanw.d: curses.h
lib_scanw.d: curses.priv.h
lib_erase.d: curses.h
lib_erase.d: curses.priv.h
lib_getch.d: curses.h
lib_getch.d: curses.priv.h
lib_options.d: term.h
lib_options.d: curses.h
lib_options.d: curses.priv.h
lib_box.d: curses.h
lib_box.d: curses.priv.h
lib_clear.d: curses.h
lib_clear.d: curses.priv.h
lib_delch.d: curses.h
lib_delch.d: curses.priv.h
lib_delch.d: term.h
lib_deleteln.d: curses.h
lib_deleteln.d: curses.priv.h
lib_insch.d: curses.h
lib_insch.d: curses.priv.h
lib_insertln.d: curses.h
lib_insertln.d: curses.priv.h
lib_getstr.d: curses.h
lib_getstr.d: curses.priv.h
lib_getstr.d: unctrl.h
lib_mvwin.d: curses.h
lib_mvwin.d: curses.priv.h
lib_longname.d: curses.h
lib_longname.d: curses.priv.h
lib_tstp.d: term.h
lib_tstp.d: curses.h
lib_tstp.d: curses.priv.h
lib_newterm.d: curses.h
lib_newterm.d: term.h
lib_newterm.d: curses.priv.h
lib_set_term.d: curses.h
lib_set_term.d: curses.priv.h
lib_set_term.d: term.h
lib_overlay.d: curses.h
lib_overlay.d: curses.priv.h
lib_scrreg.d: curses.h
lib_scrreg.d: curses.priv.h
comp_main.o: compiler.h
comp_hash.o: compiler.h
comp_hash.o: term.h
comp_captab.o: compiler.h
comp_captab.o: term.h
comp_scan.o: compiler.h
comp_error.o: compiler.h
comp_parse.o: compiler.h
comp_parse.o: term.h
comp_parse.o: object.h
read_entry.o: term.h
read_entry.o: object.h
dump.o: compiler.h
dump.o: term.h
lib_setup.o: curses.h
lib_setup.o: curses.priv.h
lib_setup.o: term.h
lib_fixterm.o: curses.h
lib_fixterm.o: curses.priv.h
lib_fixterm.o: term.h
lib_tparm.o: curses.h
lib_tparm.o: curses.priv.h
lib_tparm.o: term.h
lib_tputs.o: curses.h
lib_tputs.o: curses.priv.h
lib_tputs.o: term.h
lib_raw.o: curses.h
lib_raw.o: curses.priv.h
lib_raw.o: term.h
lib_vidattr.o: curses.h
lib_vidattr.o: curses.priv.h
lib_vidattr.o: term.h
lib_trace.o: term.h
lib_trace.o: curses.h
lib_trace.o: curses.priv.h
lib_data.o: curses.priv.h
lib_data.o: curses.h
lib_data.o: term.h
lib_beep.o: curses.h
lib_beep.o: curses.priv.h
lib_beep.o: term.h
lib_doupdate.o: curses.h
lib_doupdate.o: curses.priv.h
lib_doupdate.o: term.h
lib_refresh.o: curses.h
lib_refresh.o: curses.priv.h
lib_initscr.o: curses.h
lib_initscr.o: curses.priv.h
lib_newwin.o: term.h
lib_newwin.o: curses.h
lib_newwin.o: curses.priv.h
lib_addch.o: curses.h
lib_addch.o: curses.priv.h
lib_addch.o: unctrl.h
lib_addstr.o: curses.h
lib_addstr.o: curses.priv.h
lib_scroll.o: curses.h
lib_scroll.o: curses.priv.h
lib_clreol.o: curses.h
lib_clreol.o: curses.priv.h
lib_touchwin.o: curses.h
lib_touchwin.o: curses.priv.h
lib_mvcur.o: term.h
lib_mvcur.o: curses.h
lib_mvcur.o: curses.priv.h
lib_delwin.o: curses.h
lib_delwin.o: curses.priv.h
lib_endwin.o: term.h
lib_endwin.o: curses.h
lib_endwin.o: curses.priv.h
lib_clrbot.o: curses.h
lib_clrbot.o: curses.priv.h
lib_move.o: curses.h
lib_move.o: curses.priv.h
lib_printw.o: curses.h
lib_printw.o: curses.priv.h
lib_scanw.o: curses.h
lib_scanw.o: curses.priv.h
lib_erase.o: curses.h
lib_erase.o: curses.priv.h
lib_getch.o: curses.h
lib_getch.o: curses.priv.h
lib_options.o: term.h
lib_options.o: curses.h
lib_options.o: curses.priv.h
lib_box.o: curses.h
lib_box.o: curses.priv.h
lib_clear.o: curses.h
lib_clear.o: curses.priv.h
lib_delch.o: curses.h
lib_delch.o: curses.priv.h
lib_delch.o: term.h
lib_deleteln.o: curses.h
lib_deleteln.o: curses.priv.h
lib_insch.o: curses.h
lib_insch.o: curses.priv.h
lib_insertln.o: curses.h
lib_insertln.o: curses.priv.h
lib_getstr.o: curses.h
lib_getstr.o: curses.priv.h
lib_getstr.o: unctrl.h
lib_mvwin.o: curses.h
lib_mvwin.o: curses.priv.h
lib_longname.o: curses.h
lib_longname.o: curses.priv.h
lib_tstp.o: term.h
lib_tstp.o: curses.h
lib_tstp.o: curses.priv.h
lib_newterm.o: curses.h
lib_newterm.o: term.h
lib_newterm.o: curses.priv.h
lib_set_term.o: curses.h
lib_set_term.o: curses.priv.h
lib_set_term.o: term.h
lib_overlay.o: curses.h
lib_overlay.o: curses.priv.h
lib_scrreg.o: curses.h
lib_scrreg.o: curses.priv.h

# See make depend, above
//go.sysin dd *
echo 'x - =src/curses.h'
sed 's/^X//' <<'//go.sysin dd *' >=src/curses.h
*                         COPYRIGHT NOTICE                           *
*        This software is copyright (C) 1982 by Pavel Curtis         *
*                                                                    *
*        Permission is granted to reproduce and distribute           *
*        this file by any means so long as no fee is charged         *
*        above a nominal handling fee and so long as this            *
*        notice is always included in the copies.                    *
*                                                                    *
*        Other rights are reserved except as explicitly granted      *
*        by written permission of the author.                        *
*                Pavel Curtis                                        *
*                Computer Science Dept.                              *
*                405 Upson Hall                                      *
*                Cornell University                                  *
*                Ithaca, NY 14853                                    *
*                                                                    *
*                Ph- (607) 256-4934                                  *
*                                                                    *
*                Pavel.Cornell at Udel-Relay   (ARPAnet)                *
*                decvax!cornell!pavel       (UUCPnet)                *

 *      curses.h - Main header file for the curses package
 *  $Header:   RCS/curses.v  Revision 2.1  82/10/25  14:46:08  pavel  Exp$
 *  $Log:	RCS/curses.v $
Revision 2.1  82/10/25  14:46:08  pavel
Added Copyright Notice

Revision 2.0  82/10/24  15:17:22  pavel
Beta-one Test Release

Revision 1.4  82/08/23  22:30:13  pavel
The REAL Alpha-one Release Version

Revision 1.3  82/08/20  16:52:46  pavel
XFixed <terminfo.h> bug

Revision 1.2  82/08/19  19:10:13  pavel
Alpha Test Release One

Revision 1.1  82/08/12  18:38:57  pavel
Initial revision


#ifndef WINDOW

#include "terminfo.h"

#define bool    char

    typedef unsigned short  chtype;
    typedef unsigned char   chtype;

#ifndef TRUE
#  define TRUE    (1)
#  define FALSE   (0)

#define ERR     (0)
#define OK      (1)

#define _SUBWIN         01
#define _ENDLINE        02
#define _FULLWIN        04
#define _SCROLLWIN      010

#define _NOCHANGE       -1

struct _win_st {
	short   _cury, _curx;
	short   _maxy, _maxx;
	short   _begy, _begx;
	short   _flags;
	chtype  _attrs;
	bool    _clear;
	bool    _leave;
	bool    _scroll;
	bool    _idlok;
	bool    _use_keypad;    /* 0=no, 1=yes, 2=yes/timeout */
	bool    _use_meta;      /* T=use the meta key */
	bool    _nodelay;       /* T=don't wait for tty input */
	chtype  **_line;
	short   *_firstchar;    /* First changed character in the line */
	short   *_lastchar;     /* Last changed character in the line */
	short   *_numchngd;     /* Number of changes made in the line */
	short	_regtop;	/* Top and bottom of scrolling region */
	short	_regbottom;

#define WINDOW  struct _win_st

WINDOW	*stdscr, *curscr;


WINDOW  *initscr(), *newwin(), *subwin();
char    *longname();
struct  screen  *newterm(), *set_term();

 * psuedo functions

#define getyx(win,y,x)   (y = (win)->_cury, x = (win)->_curx)

#define inch()           	winch(stdscr)
#define standout()      	wstandout(stdscr)
#define standend()      	wstandend(stdscr)
#define attron(at)      	wattron(stdscr,at)
#define attroff(at)     	wattroff(stdscr,at)
#define attrset(at)     	wattrset(stdscr,at)

#define winch(win)       	((win)->_line[(win)->_cury][(win)->_curx])
#define wstandout(win)          (wattrset(win,A_STANDOUT))
#define wstandend(win)          (wattrset(win,A_NORMAL))
#define wattron(win,at)         ((win)->_attrs |= (at))
#define wattroff(win,at)        ((win)->_attrs &= ~(at))
#define wattrset(win,at)        ((win)->_attrs = (at))

	 * psuedo functions for standard screen
#  define addch(ch)       waddch(stdscr, ch)
#  define getch()         wgetch(stdscr)
#  define addstr(str)     waddstr(stdscr, str)
#  define getstr(str)     wgetstr(stdscr, str)
#  define move(y, x)      wmove(stdscr, y, x)
#  define clear()         wclear(stdscr)
#  define erase()         werase(stdscr)
#  define clrtobot()      wclrtobot(stdscr)
#  define clrtoeol()      wclrtoeol(stdscr)
#  define insertln()      winsertln(stdscr)
#  define deleteln()      wdeleteln(stdscr)
#  define refresh()       wrefresh(stdscr)
#  define insch(c)        winsch(stdscr,c)
#  define delch()         wdelch(stdscr)
#  define setscrreg(t,b)  wsetscrreg(stdscr,t,b)

	     * mv functions
#  define mvwaddch(win,y,x,ch)    (wmove(win,y,x) == ERR ? ERR : waddch(win,ch))
#  define mvwgetch(win,y,x)       (wmove(win,y,x) == ERR ? ERR : wgetch(win))
#  define mvwaddstr(win,y,x,str)  (wmove(win,y,x) == ERR ? ERR \
							 : waddstr(win,str))
#  define mvwgetstr(win,y,x)      (wmove(win,y,x) == ERR ? ERR : wgetstr(win))
#  define mvwinch(win,y,x)        (wmove(win,y,x) == ERR ? ERR : winch(win))
#  define mvwdelch(win,y,x)       (wmove(win,y,x) == ERR ? ERR : wdelch(win))
#  define mvwinsch(win,y,x,c)     (wmove(win,y,x) == ERR ? ERR : winsch(win,c))
#  define mvaddch(y,x,ch)         mvwaddch(stdscr,y,x,ch)
#  define mvgetch(y,x)            mvwgetch(stdscr,y,x)
#  define mvaddstr(y,x,str)       mvwaddstr(stdscr,y,x,str)
#  define mvgetstr(y,x)           mvwgetstr(stdscr,y,x)
#  define mvinch(y,x)             mvwinch(stdscr,y,x)
#  define mvdelch(y,x)            mvwdelch(stdscr,y,x)
#  define mvinsch(y,x,c)          mvwinsch(stdscr,y,x,c)

#  define addch			  m_addch
#  define addstr                  m_addstr
#  define erase                   m_erase
#  define clear                   m_clear
#  define refresh                 m_refresh
#  define initscr                 m_initscr
#  define newterm                 m_newterm
#  define mvaddch(y,x,ch)         (move(y,x) == ERR ? ERR : addch(ch))
#  define mvaddstr(y,x,str)       (move(y,x) == ERR ? ERR : addstr(str))

 * These functions don't exist in minicurses, so we define them
 * to nonexistent functions to help the user catch the error.
#  define box             no_box
#  define clrtobot        no_clrtobot
#  define clrtoeol        no_clrtoeol
#  define delch           no_delch
#  define deleteln        no_deleteln
#  define delwin          no_delwin
#  define getch           no_getch
#  define getstr          no_getstr
#  define insch           no_insch
#  define insertln        no_insertln
#  define longname        no_longname
#  define mvprintw        no_mvprintw
#  define mvscanw         no_mvscanw
#  define mvwin           no_mvwin
#  define mvwprintw       no_mvwprintw
#  define mvwscanw        no_mvwscanw
#  define newwin          no_newwin
#  define overlay         no_overlay
#  define overwrite       no_overwrite
#  define printw          no_printw
#  define putp            no_putp
#  define scanw           no_scanw
#  define scroll          no_scroll
#  define setscrreg       no_setscrreg
#  define subwin          no_subwin
#  define touchwin        no_touchwin
#  define tstp            no_tstp
#  define vidattr         no_vidattr
#  define waddch          no_waddch
#  define waddstr         no_waddstr
#  define wclear          no_wclear
#  define wclrtobot       no_wclrtobot
#  define wclrtoeol       no_wclrtoeol
#  define wdelch          no_wdelch
#  define wdeleteln       no_wdeleteln
#  define werase          no_werase
#  define wgetch          no_wgetch
#  define wgetstr         no_wgetstr
#  define winsch          no_winsch
#  define winsertln       no_winsertln
#  define wmove           no_wmove
#  define wprintw         no_wprintw
#  define wrefresh        no_wrefresh
#  define wscanw          no_wscanw
#  define wsetscrreg      no_wsetscrreg

X/* mv functions that aren't valid */
#  define mvdelch         no_mvwdelch
#  define mvgetch         no_mvwgetch
#  define mvgetstr        no_mvwgetstr
#  define mvinch          no_mvwinch
#  define mvinsch         no_mvwinsch
#  define mvwaddch        no_mvwaddch
#  define mvwaddstr       no_mvaddstr
#  define mvwdelch        no_mvwdelch
#  define mvwgetch        no_mvwgetch
#  define mvwgetstr       no_mvwgetstr
#  define mvwinch         no_mvwinch
#  define mvwinsch        no_mvwinsch


X/* Funny "characters" enabled for various special function keys for input */
#define KEY_BREAK       0401            /* break key (unreliable) */
#define KEY_DOWN        0402            /* The four arrow keys ... */
#define KEY_UP          0403
#define KEY_LEFT        0404
#define KEY_RIGHT       0405            /* ... */
#define KEY_HOME        0406            /* Home key (upward+left arrow) */
#define KEY_BACKSPACE   0407            /* backspace (unreliable) */
#define KEY_F0          0410            /* Function keys.  Space for 64 */
#define KEY_F(n)        (KEY_F0+(n))    /* keys is reserved. */
#define KEY_DL          0510            /* Delete line */
#define KEY_IL          0511            /* Insert line */
#define KEY_DC          0512            /* Delete character */
#define KEY_IC          0513            /* Insert char or enter insert mode */
#define KEY_EIC         0514            /* Exit insert char mode */
#define KEY_CLEAR       0515            /* Clear screen */
#define KEY_EOS         0516            /* Clear to end of screen */
#define KEY_EOL         0517            /* Clear to end of line */
#define KEY_SF          0520            /* Scroll 1 line forward */
#define KEY_SR          0521            /* Scroll 1 line backwards (reverse) */
#define KEY_NPAGE       0522            /* Next page */
#define KEY_PPAGE       0523            /* Previous page */
#define KEY_STAB        0524            /* Set tab */
#define KEY_CTAB        0525            /* Clear tab */
#define KEY_CATAB       0526            /* Clear all tabs */
#define KEY_ENTER       0527            /* Enter or send (unreliable) */
#define KEY_SRESET      0530            /* soft (partial) reset (unreliable) */
#define KEY_RESET       0531            /* reset or hard reset (unreliable) */
#define KEY_PRINT       0532            /* print or copy */
#define KEY_LL          0533            /* home down or bottom (lower left) */


#endif WINDOW
//go.sysin dd *
echo 'x - =src/curses.priv.h'
sed 's/^X//' <<'//go.sysin dd *' >=src/curses.priv.h
*                         COPYRIGHT NOTICE                           *
*        This software is copyright (C) 1982 by Pavel Curtis         *
*                                                                    *
*        Permission is granted to reproduce and distribute           *
*        this file by any means so long as no fee is charged         *
*        above a nominal handling fee and so long as this            *
*        notice is always included in the copies.                    *
*                                                                    *
*        Other rights are reserved except as explicitly granted      *
*        by written permission of the author.                        *
*                Pavel Curtis                                        *
*                Computer Science Dept.                              *
*                405 Upson Hall                                      *
*                Cornell University                                  *
*                Ithaca, NY 14853                                    *
*                                                                    *
*                Ph- (607) 256-4934                                  *
*                                                                    *
*                Pavel.Cornell at Udel-Relay   (ARPAnet)                *
*                decvax!cornell!pavel       (UUCPnet)                *

 *	curses.priv.h
 *	Header file for curses library objects which are private to
 *	the library.
 *  $Log:	RCS/curses.priv.v $
Revision 2.1  82/10/25  14:46:17  pavel
Added Copyright Notice

Revision 2.0  82/10/25  13:50:25  pavel
Beta-one Test Release


#include <stdio.h>
#include "curses.h"

#define min(a,b)	((a) > (b)  ?  (b)  :  (a))
#define max(a,b)	((a) < (b)  ?  (b)  :  (a))

#define CHANGED     -1

WINDOW	*newscr;

extern int  _tracing;

struct try
        struct try      *child;     /* ptr to child.  NULL if none          */
        struct try      *sibling;   /* ptr to sibling.  NULL if none        */
        char            ch;         /* character at this node               */
        short           value;      /* code of string so far.  NULL if none */

struct screen
    	FILE		*_ifp;	    /* input file ptr for this terminal     */
    	FILE		*_ofp;	    /* output file ptr for this terminal    */
	struct term	*_term;	    /* used by terminfo stuff               */
	WINDOW		*_curscr;   /* windows specific to a given terminal */
	WINDOW		*_newscr;
        struct try      *_keytry;   /* "Try" for use with keypad mode       */
	char            _backbuf[10]; /* Buffer for pushed back characters  */
	int             _backcnt;   /* How many characters in _backbuf?     */
        int             _cursrow;   /* Row and column of physical cursor    */
        int             _curscol;
	bool		_nl;	    /* True if terminal has CRMOD bit on    */
	bool		_raw;	    /* True if in raw mode                  */
	bool		_cbreak;    /* True if in cbreak mode               */
	bool		_echo;	    /* True if echo on                      */
	bool		_nlmapping; /* True if terminal is really doing     */
				    /* NL mapping (fn of raw and nl)	    */
	int		_costs[9];  /* costs of cursor movements for mvcur  */
	int		_costinit;  /* set if _costs[] is initialized       */

struct screen	*SP;

#define MAXCOLUMNS    135
#define MAXLINES      66
#define UNINITIALISED ((struct try * ) -1)
//go.sysin dd *
echo 'x - =src/object.h'
sed 's/^X//' <<'//go.sysin dd *' >=src/object.h
*                         COPYRIGHT NOTICE                           *
*        This software is copyright (C) 1982 by Pavel Curtis         *
*                                                                    *
*        Permission is granted to reproduce and distribute           *
*        this file by any means so long as no fee is charged         *
*        above a nominal handling fee and so long as this            *
*        notice is always included in the copies.                    *
*                                                                    *
*        Other rights are reserved except as explicitly granted      *
*        by written permission of the author.                        *
*                Pavel Curtis                                        *
*                Computer Science Dept.                              *
*                405 Upson Hall                                      *
*                Cornell University                                  *
*                Ithaca, NY 14853                                    *
*                                                                    *
*                Ph- (607) 256-4934                                  *
*                                                                    *
*                Pavel.Cornell at Udel-Relay   (ARPAnet)                *
*                decvax!cornell!pavel       (UUCPnet)                *

** $Header:   RCS/object.v  Revision 2.1  82/10/25  14:49:50  pavel  Exp$
**	object.h - Format of compiled terminfo files
**		Header (12 bytes), containing information given below
**		Names Section, containing the names of the terminal
**		Boolean Section, containing the values of all of the
**				boolean capabilities
**				A null byte may be inserted here to make
**				sure that the Number Section begins on an
**				even word boundary.
**		Number Section, containing the values of all of the numeric
**				capabilities, each as a short integer
**		String Section, containing short integer offsets into the
**				String Table, one per string capability
**		String Table, containing the actual characters of the string
**				capabilities.
**	NOTE that all short integers in the file are stored using VAX/PDP-style
**	byte-swapping, i.e., least-significant byte first.  The code in
**	read_entry() automatically fixes this up on machines which don't use
**	this system (I hope).
**  $Log:	RCS/object.v $
Revision 2.1  82/10/25  14:49:50  pavel
Added Copyright Notice

Revision 2.0  82/10/24  15:18:19  pavel
Beta-one Test Release

Revision 1.3  82/08/23  22:31:12  pavel
The REAL Alpha-one Release Version

Revision 1.2  82/08/19  19:10:18  pavel
Alpha Test Release One

Revision 1.1  82/08/12  18:48:55  pavel
Initial revision


#define MAGIC	0432

struct header
	short	magic;		/* Magic Number (0432)			*/
	short	name_size;	/* Size of names section		*/
	short	bool_count;	/* Number of booleans			*/
	short	num_count;	/* Number of numbers			*/
	short	str_count;	/* Number of strings			*/
	short	str_size;	/* Size of string table			*/
//go.sysin dd *
echo 'x - =src/term.h'
sed 's/^X//' <<'//go.sysin dd *' >=src/term.h
**	term.h -- Definition of struct term

#ifndef SGTTY
#    include "curses.h"

#ifdef SINGLE
#	define CUR _first_term.
#	define CUR cur_term->

#define auto_left_margin               CUR Booleans[0]
#define auto_right_margin              CUR Booleans[1]
#define beehive_glitch                 CUR Booleans[2]
#define ceol_standout_glitch           CUR Booleans[3]
#define eat_newline_glitch             CUR Booleans[4]
#define erase_overstrike               CUR Booleans[5]
#define generic_type                   CUR Booleans[6]
#define hard_copy                      CUR Booleans[7]
#define has_meta_key                   CUR Booleans[8]
#define has_status_line                CUR Booleans[9]
#define insert_null_glitch             CUR Booleans[10]
#define memory_above                   CUR Booleans[11]
#define memory_below                   CUR Booleans[12]
#define move_insert_mode               CUR Booleans[13]
#define move_standout_mode             CUR Booleans[14]
#define over_strike                    CUR Booleans[15]
#define status_line_esc_ok             CUR Booleans[16]
#define teleray_glitch                 CUR Booleans[17]
#define tilde_glitch                   CUR Booleans[18]
#define transparent_underline          CUR Booleans[19]
#define xon_xoff                       CUR Booleans[20]
#define columns                        CUR Numbers[0]
#define init_tabs                      CUR Numbers[1]
#define lines                          CUR Numbers[2]
#define lines_of_memory                CUR Numbers[3]
#define magic_cookie_glitch            CUR Numbers[4]
#define padding_baud_rate              CUR Numbers[5]
#define virtual_terminal               CUR Numbers[6]
#define width_status_line              CUR Numbers[7]
#define num_labels                     CUR Numbers[8]
#define label_height                   CUR Numbers[9]
#define label_width                    CUR Numbers[10]
#define back_tab                       CUR Strings[0]
#define bell                           CUR Strings[1]
#define carriage_return                CUR Strings[2]
#define change_scroll_region           CUR Strings[3]
#define clear_all_tabs                 CUR Strings[4]
#define clear_screen                   CUR Strings[5]
#define clr_eol                        CUR Strings[6]
#define clr_eos                        CUR Strings[7]
#define column_address                 CUR Strings[8]
#define command_character              CUR Strings[9]
#define cursor_address                 CUR Strings[10]
#define cursor_down                    CUR Strings[11]
#define cursor_home                    CUR Strings[12]
#define cursor_invisible               CUR Strings[13]
#define cursor_left                    CUR Strings[14]
#define cursor_mem_address             CUR Strings[15]
#define cursor_normal                  CUR Strings[16]
#define cursor_right                   CUR Strings[17]
#define cursor_to_ll                   CUR Strings[18]
#define cursor_up                      CUR Strings[19]
#define cursor_visible                 CUR Strings[20]
#define delete_character               CUR Strings[21]
#define delete_line                    CUR Strings[22]
#define dis_status_line                CUR Strings[23]
#define down_half_line                 CUR Strings[24]
#define enter_alt_charset_mode         CUR Strings[25]
#define enter_blink_mode               CUR Strings[26]
#define enter_bold_mode                CUR Strings[27]
#define enter_ca_mode                  CUR Strings[28]
#define enter_delete_mode              CUR Strings[29]
#define enter_dim_mode                 CUR Strings[30]
#define enter_insert_mode              CUR Strings[31]
#define enter_secure_mode              CUR Strings[32]
#define enter_protected_mode           CUR Strings[33]
#define enter_reverse_mode             CUR Strings[34]
#define enter_standout_mode            CUR Strings[35]
#define enter_underline_mode           CUR Strings[36]
#define erase_chars                    CUR Strings[37]
#define exit_alt_charset_mode          CUR Strings[38]
#define exit_attribute_mode            CUR Strings[39]
#define exit_ca_mode                   CUR Strings[40]
#define exit_delete_mode               CUR Strings[41]
#define exit_insert_mode               CUR Strings[42]
#define exit_standout_mode             CUR Strings[43]
#define exit_underline_mode            CUR Strings[44]
#define flash_screen                   CUR Strings[45]
#define form_feed                      CUR Strings[46]
#define from_status_line               CUR Strings[47]
#define init_1string                   CUR Strings[48]
#define init_2string                   CUR Strings[49]
#define init_3string                   CUR Strings[50]
#define init_file                      CUR Strings[51]
#define insert_character               CUR Strings[52]
#define insert_line                    CUR Strings[53]
#define insert_padding                 CUR Strings[54]
#define key_backspace                  CUR Strings[55]
#define key_catab                      CUR Strings[56]
#define key_clear                      CUR Strings[57]
#define key_ctab                       CUR Strings[58]
#define key_dc                         CUR Strings[59]
#define key_dl                         CUR Strings[60]
#define key_down                       CUR Strings[61]
#define key_eic                        CUR Strings[62]
#define key_eol                        CUR Strings[63]
#define key_eos                        CUR Strings[64]
#define key_f0                         CUR Strings[65]
#define key_f1                         CUR Strings[66]
#define key_f10                        CUR Strings[67]
#define key_f2                         CUR Strings[68]
#define key_f3                         CUR Strings[69]
#define key_f4                         CUR Strings[70]
#define key_f5                         CUR Strings[71]
#define key_f6                         CUR Strings[72]
#define key_f7                         CUR Strings[73]
#define key_f8                         CUR Strings[74]
#define key_f9                         CUR Strings[75]
#define key_home                       CUR Strings[76]
#define key_ic                         CUR Strings[77]
#define key_il                         CUR Strings[78]
#define key_left                       CUR Strings[79]
#define key_ll                         CUR Strings[80]
#define key_npage                      CUR Strings[81]
#define key_ppage                      CUR Strings[82]
#define key_right                      CUR Strings[83]
#define key_sf                         CUR Strings[84]
#define key_sr                         CUR Strings[85]
#define key_stab                       CUR Strings[86]
#define key_up                         CUR Strings[87]
#define keypad_local                   CUR Strings[88]
#define keypad_xmit                    CUR Strings[89]
#define lab_f0                         CUR Strings[90]
#define lab_f1                         CUR Strings[91]
#define lab_f10                        CUR Strings[92]
#define lab_f2                         CUR Strings[93]
#define lab_f3                         CUR Strings[94]
#define lab_f4                         CUR Strings[95]
#define lab_f5                         CUR Strings[96]
#define lab_f6                         CUR Strings[97]
#define lab_f7                         CUR Strings[98]
#define lab_f8                         CUR Strings[99]
#define lab_f9                         CUR Strings[100]
#define meta_off                       CUR Strings[101]
#define meta_on                        CUR Strings[102]
#define newline                        CUR Strings[103]
#define pad_char                       CUR Strings[104]
#define parm_dch                       CUR Strings[105]
#define parm_delete_line               CUR Strings[106]
#define parm_down_cursor               CUR Strings[107]
#define parm_ich                       CUR Strings[108]
#define parm_index                     CUR Strings[109]
#define parm_insert_line               CUR Strings[110]
#define parm_left_cursor               CUR Strings[111]
#define parm_right_cursor              CUR Strings[112]
#define parm_rindex                    CUR Strings[113]
#define parm_up_cursor                 CUR Strings[114]
#define pkey_key                       CUR Strings[115]
#define pkey_local                     CUR Strings[116]
#define pkey_xmit                      CUR Strings[117]
#define print_screen                   CUR Strings[118]
#define prtr_off                       CUR Strings[119]
#define prtr_on                        CUR Strings[120]
#define repeat_char                    CUR Strings[121]
#define reset_1string                  CUR Strings[122]
#define reset_2string                  CUR Strings[123]
#define reset_3string                  CUR Strings[124]
#define reset_file                     CUR Strings[125]
#define restore_cursor                 CUR Strings[126]
#define row_address                    CUR Strings[127]
#define save_cursor                    CUR Strings[128]
#define scroll_forward                 CUR Strings[129]
#define scroll_reverse                 CUR Strings[130]
#define set_attributes                 CUR Strings[131]
#define set_tab                        CUR Strings[132]
#define set_window                     CUR Strings[133]
#define tab                            CUR Strings[134]
#define to_status_line                 CUR Strings[135]
#define underline_char                 CUR Strings[136]
#define up_half_line                   CUR Strings[137]
#define init_prog                      CUR Strings[138]
#define key_a1                         CUR Strings[139]
#define key_a3                         CUR Strings[140]
#define key_b2                         CUR Strings[141]
#define key_c1                         CUR Strings[142]
#define key_c3                         CUR Strings[143]
#define prtr_non                       CUR Strings[144]
#define char_padding                   CUR Strings[145]
#define acs_chars                      CUR Strings[146]
#define plab_norm                      CUR Strings[147]

struct term
   char	 *term_names;	/* offset in str_table of terminal names */
   char	 *str_table;	/* pointer to string table */
   short Filedes;	/* file description being written to */
   SGTTY Ottyb,		/* original state of the terminal */
	 Nttyb;		/* current state of the terminal */

   char		 Booleans[21];
   short	 Numbers[11];
   char		 *Strings[148];

struct term	_first_term;
struct term	*cur_term;

#define BOOLCOUNT 21
#define NUMCOUNT  11
#define STRCOUNT  148
//go.sysin dd *
echo 'x - =src/terminfo.h'
sed 's/^X//' <<'//go.sysin dd *' >=src/terminfo.h
*                         COPYRIGHT NOTICE                           *
*        This software is copyright (C) 1982 by Pavel Curtis         *
*                                                                    *
*        Permission is granted to reproduce and distribute           *
*        this file by any means so long as no fee is charged         *
*        above a nominal handling fee and so long as this            *
*        notice is always included in the copies.                    *
*                                                                    *
*        Other rights are reserved except as explicitly granted      *
*        by written permission of the author.                        *
*                Pavel Curtis                                        *
*                Computer Science Dept.                              *
*                405 Upson Hall                                      *
*                Cornell University                                  *
*                Ithaca, NY 14853                                    *
*                                                                    *
*                Ph- (607) 256-4934                                  *
*                                                                    *
*                Pavel.Cornell at Udel-Relay   (ARPAnet)                *
*                decvax!cornell!pavel       (UUCPnet)                *

 *  $Header:   RCS/terminfo.v  Revision 2.1  82/10/25  14:49:59  pavel  Exp$
 *	terminfo.h - those things needed for programs runnning at the
 *			terminfo level.
 *  $Log:	RCS/terminfo.v $
Revision 2.1  82/10/25  14:49:59  pavel
Added Copyright Notice

Revision 2.0  82/10/24  15:18:26  pavel
Beta-one Test Release

Revision 1.4  82/08/23  22:31:21  pavel
The REAL Alpha-one Release Version

Revision 1.3  82/08/19  19:24:11  pavel
Alpha Test Release One

Revision 1.2  82/08/19  19:10:56  pavel
Alpha Test Release One

Revision 1.1  82/08/15  16:42:20  pavel
Initial revision


#ifndef A_STANDOUT

#include <stdio.h>
#include <sgtty.h>

#define SGTTY	struct sgttyb

    /* Video attributes */
#define A_NORMAL	0000000
#define A_ATTRIBUTES	0377600
#define A_CHARTEXT	0000177

#define A_STANDOUT	0000200
#define A_UNDERLINE	0000400

#  define A_REVERSE	0001000
#  define A_BLINK	0002000
#  define A_DIM		0004000
#  define A_BOLD	0010000
#  define A_INVIS	0020000
#  define A_PROTECT	0040000
#  define A_ALTCHARSET	0100000

extern char	ttytype[];
#define NAMESIZE	256
//go.sysin dd *
echo 'x - =src/unctrl.h'
sed 's/^X//' <<'//go.sysin dd *' >=src/unctrl.h
*                         COPYRIGHT NOTICE                           *
*        This software is copyright (C) 1982 by Pavel Curtis         *
*                                                                    *
*        Permission is granted to reproduce and distribute           *
*        this file by any means so long as no fee is charged         *
*        above a nominal handling fee and so long as this            *
*        notice is always included in the copies.                    *
*                                                                    *
*        Other rights are reserved except as explicitly granted      *
*        by written permission of the author.                        *
*                Pavel Curtis                                        *
*                Computer Science Dept.                              *
*                405 Upson Hall                                      *
*                Cornell University                                  *
*                Ithaca, NY 14853                                    *
*                                                                    *
*                Ph- (607) 256-4934                                  *
*                                                                    *
*                Pavel.Cornell at Udel-Relay   (ARPAnet)                *
*                decvax!cornell!pavel       (UUCPnet)                *

 * unctrl.h
 * $Header:   RCS/unctrl.v  Revision 2.1  82/10/25  14:50:04  pavel  Exp$
 * $Log:	RCS/unctrl.v $
Revision 2.1  82/10/25  14:50:04  pavel
Added Copyright Notice

Revision 2.0  82/10/24  15:18:28  pavel
Beta-one Test Release

Revision 1.3  82/08/23  22:31:24  pavel
The REAL Alpha-one Release Version

Revision 1.2  82/08/19  19:10:59  pavel
Alpha Test Release One

Revision 1.1  82/08/19  19:04:26  pavel
Initial revision


extern char	*_unctrl[];

# define	unctrl(ch)	(_unctrl[(unsigned) ch])
//go.sysin dd *

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