Policy Statement

John Nelson john at genrad.UUCP
Mon Oct 22 22:50:26 AEST 1984

If you are anything like me, you have totally ignored the discussion on
net.news.group about moderated newssgroups, so I am re-posting my official
policy statement here.   Please send me submissions at "genrad!sources"
so that we can get this newsgroup going.

Mod.sources is intended to be an alternative to the unmoderated net.sources
which has of late had many inappropriate articles.  mod.sources is especially
useful to those who archive the entire sources newsgroup automatically.
mod.sources would provide several services:

    1. Filtering out requests, and other inappropriate articles.
    2. Making sure the submission survived intact through uucp before
       it is posted to the net at large.
    3. Making sure that articles are in chunks small enough to be
       recieved intact on ALL systems (this means chunks <= 64K)
    4. Bundling of bug reports into single articles.

As moderator, I will not censor the material, but (since I usually try out
most programs for System V or Berkeley 4.2) I might add my evaluation (or
point out any obvious bugs or local dependencies to the author) before posting.
I may send out pointers to the source articles on the appropriate related
newsgroup (net.unix-wizards for example) and provide a mailing service to those
who do not get net.sources on their machine (although I haven't got an arpa

Mod.sources is an experiment, and will run as an alternative to net.sources
for awhile (i.e. articles will not be posted on BOTH).  If the idea catches
on, we can eliminate net.sources, and use mod.sources exclusively.  Sources
can be mailed to me at:


Requests for info about particular submissions can be sent to:


(o o)
| O |    John P. Nelson  (decvax!genrad!john)

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