The REAL rn (rn 4.3 - part 0 of 9)

sources-request at genrad.UUCP sources-request at genrad.UUCP
Fri May 10 07:43:20 AEST 1985

I've just posted the new release of rn (version 4.3) to mod.sources.
 [For those who don't already know:  rn is a news reading program that
  is an alternative to readnews or vnews - mod]

As soon as it works its way over to genrad, [it made it! - mod] you
should see it.  It now comes in nine, count 'em, nine kits weighing
in at about half a Meg total.

This is primarily a cleanup release, but there are some new features.
The biggie is macros and keymaps.

Thank you all for your encouragement and ideas (even the ones I haven't
done yet).  This is truly a net-wide project.

Larry Wall

[ I have unpacked the newest rn, and run the Configure program.  You will
  be happy to hear that Configure is as entertaining in this release as
  it was in the previous release.   I will be posting the nine parts of
  rn 4.3 over the next several days, so don't panic if you dont get it all
  at once.

               -   John Nelson,   moderator mod.sources

  P.S.  THIS rn has ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with the "rn" posted to
        net.sources several days ago.  This is the REAL rn.

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